Starvation Mode when i'm 100+ pounds overweight?! lol



  • I am down over 130+ pounds. The thing I found most helpful is to NEVER skip a meal. Eat breakfast and have a snack 2 hours later. Eat lunch and a snack two hours later. East dinner and a snack 2 hours later. It keeps your metabolism running and out of starvation mode. It might be tough in the beginning, but just keep it up and you will watch the pounds melt away!

    I was going to suggest the same thing, especially when someone mentioned being busy during the day and not being hungry. I used to do the same, I would be crazy busy at work that I seriously couldn't leave my office without people walking in. I would skip lunch all the time, and my breakfast tended to only be coffee and maybe a granola bar if I remembered to bring one. Then I'd eat a good healthy dinner but snack all night long. That kind of a lifestyle, even if my calories were low, is bad on the metabolism.