back again

I am back again.. I tried this once before and gave up, I quit smoking on memorial day and the pounds are piling on...I think I have smoking beat this time (though cravings are a constant fight that I am going to win) and I am now working on losing the weight, finding a workout I actually enjoy has always been a problem but I love to dance and have just discovered the wii just dance 2 game (which i love) so wish me luck this time and friend me cuz I need all the support I can get!!!


  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck again!
  • changeisgood55
    Good luck and welcome! I've used the Wii before for many exercises. As long as you're moving and you're having fun go for it.
  • lindadoto
    lindadoto Posts: 2
    Well, I have been away for about 2 weeks. And of course, I have gained some of my weight back. I hope to start tomorrow and "get back on board". I hope that all goes well with you.