What should I try first?



  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    ^agreed...I'm not sure why I'm having so much trouble getting my weekends to a bit more respectable. I've always liked the say you can have it all, you just can't have it all at once!

    I guess I focus a lot on maintenance because it was a difficult transition the first time and what led me to regain 10 lbs so I want to be sure it a more natural transition this time, even if it means losing slower.
  • BeilaLin
    BeilaLin Posts: 189
    you can have it all, you just can't have it all at once!

    And the others too!!

    Here's a recap! LOL, I'm LOVING THIS BOOK, and I'm almost done! 20 more pages and then returning it tomorrow.....I've been meaning to type out the rules so I can print it on a notecard for myself...so here they are for you :)

    1. Your Diet is a Bank Account:
    Base your choices on balancing throughout the day, so you don't eat too much of any one thing and each meal balances the others with complementary food choices. Decide how you want to invest and balance it out.

    2. You Can Have it All, Just Not All at Once:
    Keep it simple, pick the one or two things you really want. You'll always have another chance to make a different choice in a later meal. So have the salad and the pizza and the wine. Or the soup, the salad, and the dessert.

    3. Taste Everything, Eat Nothing:
    Be choosy and discerning, especially if you have a lot of great choices of food to eat like at a buffet, and if you can't decide, just have small tastes of what you really truly want.

    4. Pay Attention:
    Don't eat until you're ready to pay attention to what you are eating and enjoy it sitting down and let your body register the meal--no standing up, working, driving, or watching TV.

    5. Downsize Now!
    Eat from smaller plates, bowls, glasses, cultivate a new sense of portions.

    6. Cancel Your Membership in the Clean Plate Club:
    Quit finishing everything on your plate--share it, save it, or leave it if it's not that good.

    7. Check Yourself before you Wreck Yourself:
    Stop Binge Eating! Never do it again.

    8. Know Thyself:
    Customize the way you eat to fit who you are.

    9. Get Real:
    Eat local, organic real food, not fake processed foods. Make sure you can pronounce the ingredients in the list.

    10. Good For You:
    Make every habit you change be from a place of caring for and loving yourself.

    *Special, Secret sub-rule:
    Don't Eat Boring Food:
    Food should be enjoyed and exciting, otherwise you'll go off eating something else. When it comes to adding things to make your food more enjoyable and exciting, just remember the other rules and pick your battles--instead of plain boiled skinless chicken, have the breaded chicken dipped in flour and fried OR with the buttery marsala sauce, but not both! (Remember, you can have it all, just not all at once).