Fit and Preggo :)

Hey all

My husband and I have recently found out that we are expecting our first child together. I can honestly say that I have been neglecting my weight loss and healthy eating regimen for quite a while....about 2 weeks before we found out that we were expecting. I have already gained a ton of weight. Pre- preggo news. However, between my last two doctor visits, I only gained 1 lb. Believe me I was shocked. I have been having an "easy" pregnancy so far. No morning sickness (with the exception of 2 episodes of throwing up in public...embarassing much ) no major issues. I have horrible pregnany acne; however, that is all. I'm truly blessed. However, I want to have a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy. I have decided to be mindful of my eating and engage in some moderate exercise. I am so excited. I am almost out of my first trimester! Yay me!! Are there any other preggo pals here? or is there anyone with any advice? Feel free to friend me :)


  • MissConfidence
    congratulations, that is awesome! :)
  • 4tolose
    4tolose Posts: 65 Member
  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Congratulations!!!! The best advice I can give is......1. Enjoy your pregnancy, it can be one of the most awsome times of your life.
    2. Your not really eating for two. I hated hearing people tell me that, "You should eat more, your eating for two." I never gained more than 28lbs with any of my kids and the smallest was 7lb 1 oz and the biggest was 8lbs 15.5oz. 3. Keep up the exercise, delivery is easier if you stay fit. And 4. Get enough rest, after the baby arrives you'll be missing out.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    I only gained 6lbs in my pregnancy, my baby was 7lb6 at birth, I was overweight when I fell pregnant and I threw up for 16 weeks of it so don't worry too much. Listen to your doctors and midwives and you'll be right.

    What someone said about eating for two is true, you only need 300 cals extra and only in the last trimester if you are at a healthy weight.

    Breastfeeding is a great way to burn cals.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I'm not pregnant and I never have been, but wanted to stop in and offere my CONGRATULATIONS!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Congratulations. The best thing to do is just eat as healthy as you can. Good fresh veggies, fruits, lean protein, Whole grains.
    You will gain and that is healthy. Gaining too much isn't. But I would not diet. This is not the time.
    My daughter suffered her whole pregnancy with acne. The doctor said it was hormones and there was nothing she could do. It was so painful for her. But now she has a beautiful baby boy and her acne is cleared up and she is almost back to her original weight. So again Congrats and good luck.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    I am 9 weeks along and also doing MFP. Congrats and I'll friend you so we can be each others' helpers. :)