Calling All TURTLES.....



  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    toadie- you so totally rock dear! :-)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    There's an article in the current (august) issue of prevention magazine that might interest some turtles. It introduces the Health at Every Size ( HAES) movement. HAES focuses solely on learning to live, eat, & move healthfully with no overt focus on weightloss because all the pressures to be thin/lose weight have really damaged a lot of us.

    Sounds interesting....I think I need to check it out!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    What's the plan for the weekend fellow turtles? We leaving town tonight to visit kids & grandkids. So my exercise will probably consist of pulling our grandaughter around in a wagon and chasing her around the playground! I can't think of a more fun way to burn cals! My husband and I will probably take over the cooking duties too.....we enjoy cooking for them while we are there....and that way we can eat healthy too! Our grandson (in my profile pic) is only a little over a month old, so we are excited to see how much he's grown in the 2 weeks since we saw them last!

    Keep on keeping on turtles! I have another week of NO LOSS....even though I was sick for 2 days! This seems to be the mother of all plateaus that I'm on! :frown: BUT I WILL NOT STOP!!!! One of these weeks I know Mr. Scale will move down once again. If nothing else I'm learning patience! :happy: I am feeding my body with healthy foods (mostly), I feel stronger (definitely), and I in no way feel deprived (absolutely) I will look at the positive. LIFE IS GOOD....and I am slowly but surely becoming a better me....and I'll be chasing my grandkids around for MANY years to come! :bigsmile:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    :sad: my air conditioning is still not in!!! this "5 day" installation is going on day 15 and they aren't expecting to be done until next thursday! argh! we were hoping to go home tonight, but i guess we'll be at the in-laws a bit longer. i'm so thankful to have a cool place to stay!

    as for the exercise today, i didn't get any real exercise to speak of. yes, i could have counted about 2 hours of cleaning, but seriously, i don't think i got my heart rate up enough (unless sweating from the heat in your 90 degree house burns LOTS of calories!) mother nature is cruel and i'm just thankful to be walking around without too much pain.

    have a great weekend all!
  • whimsy38
    whimsy38 Posts: 158 Member
    I took my 2 kids to a super fantastic pool today. It had an industrial water slide, at least one story high. I swam for an hour and they went up and down and up and down the stairs to the slide. 4 hours later I drug them away :)
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    whimsy - that sounds like so MUCH FUN!
    j - the heat is a killer! I hope you get your air soon!

    Well, all - I had a great weekend. It was far from my "healthiest" weekend.....but I feel rejuvenated....I really think I needed to give my body a break from the hard workout. I am mentally and physically ready to hit it hard again tomorrow. And the best thing EVER finally happened.....someone (other than my husband) FINALLY commented on my weight loss.....she went on and on about how GREAT I looked, and of course wanted to know how I had done it! YAY!!!!
  • toadiejones
    toadiejones Posts: 608 Member
    That's a great NSV brenda! See, don't need to worry about that scale! It's showing!

    Had a busy weekend. Hosted our block party...all day Saturday. And then hubby worked all day Sunday so I used it to try and restore the house. Not one shred of exercise but I am pooped. Only have 2 more days before vacation...and have not done anything (other than book a petsitter) to prepare for it. And we are gone for 3 weeks. Out of country. Yikes. I really need to get movin'. On the plus side, the scale stayed as is even though I ate horribly all weekend. But certainly need to eat better for more energy.

    Have a great week everyone!
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    toadie - how exciting to be looking foward to a nice long vacation! The next couple of day will no doubt be very hectic! Good luck! Maybe you can figure out a way to "power pack"!

    Let's keep it going turtles....focus on healthy eating, drinking H2O and getting that exercise in.
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I am turtle as well. It will take a while to reach my goal weigh but I will get there. My husband and I have the goal of eating healthier. Yesterday I would have given anything for a ring ding. Hadn't had one in maybe 5 years but a friend started talking about them and it made me crave one. So while I was in the store I picked up a pacakage. The first thing I did was ready the calories. I said to my self- Do I want to give up 310 calories out of 1200 for a little thing like a ring ding -Nope! Put is back on the shelf. It was a good feeling.

    I ahve been using my Wii Fit but I find that it doesn't have the strenght training that I am looking for. So I have the Jillian Michaels 30 day shed. I am not going to do it 30 days but it is anotehr first.:smile:
  • jamesdelong
    jamesdelong Posts: 177 Member
    Turtle here with turbo booster kit. I've talked about losing more than 2lbs a week and from what I've read, 1-2 lbs a week is a healthy way to do it. I've been fluctuating 0-3lbs a week and I know now exactly how my body does it. Now I just need to control it.

    This journey we are taking is a lifestyle change and not a diet. When you need to turn the jets on you know exactly what you need to do. I made a commitment to participate in a race in Dec and I know that I am not even close to the shape I need to be so I am turning it up a notch and trying to exercise and run at least 5 times a week. That was my decision, so yeah some MFP may lose more than others quicker but you should also know you get what you give. (check their logs and see how they are eating, how much training they are doing. Is yours similar?)

    Every little bit helps and this isn't an overnight thing. Enter it and complete the journey at your pace.
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    The dreaded plateau continues.....da, da, dah.........I took a couple of days off from the 30 Day Shred last weekend.....and I've upped my calories too. I started back on the shred yesterday and am going to try to work in additional exercise of some sort at least 3 days this week too. I will NOT give up! are you all doing? Anyone else changing things up a bit this week?
  • laureneva15
    laureneva15 Posts: 280
    I only started a week ago but I haven't put a time frame on what I want to lose, I'm not even truly concerned if I lose all or none of it ( don't get me wrong if I lose none of it something is really wrong) but I'm in this for the long haul cos I want this to be a lifestyle change not a quick fix diet.
    So does that mean I count?
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    I only started a week ago but I haven't put a time frame on what I want to lose, I'm not even truly concerned if I lose all or none of it ( don't get me wrong if I lose none of it something is really wrong) but I'm in this for the long haul cos I want this to be a lifestyle change not a quick fix diet.
    So does that mean I count?

    Yep - you definitely count as part of the ninja turtle gang! :bigsmile:
  • laureneva15
    laureneva15 Posts: 280
    How's my turtles going?
    I joined the gym on tuesday and have been twice, hoping to less at least some loss next week.
    My diet is staying fairly on track, but I need to up my protein!
    Hope all is well :flowerforyou:
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    turbo turtles? i like it. :bigsmile: i am also changing things up a bit this week. i'm adding more calories to see how it goes. i still haven't lost any weight to speak of, but that's okay because i can feel my body changing. i'm getting stronger, feeling more energetic, and my endurance has improved as well.

    keep on pushing yourselves and hang in there! :-)
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I thin I might be off my plateau but it's too soon to say. I started doing HIIT last week and I have a meeting with my trainer and ask her to do a program with free weight. It's scary for me since the free weights are in the boys corner LOL
  • brendalyne
    brendalyne Posts: 497
    How's my turtles going?
    I joined the gym on tuesday and have been twice, hoping to less at least some loss next week.
    My diet is staying fairly on track, but I need to up my protein!
    Hope all is well :flowerforyou:

    This turtle is still plugging away! :happy:

    yanicka - I hope you are off your plateau. My fingers are crossed for you! Oh NO......the boys corner? :noway: Show em your ninja turtle moves....or turbo turle moves! THEY WILL BE IN AWE!!! :laugh: Let us know how it goes!
  • laureneva15
    laureneva15 Posts: 280
    so I've created a group for us called...
    TURBO NINJA TURTLES! (for slow winners)
    What do you guys think?
    It won't be closed of course, anyone is free to do whatever they want in it, but it'll be for anyone that is a slow loser.
    Hope you guys like it! and come on over!

    here's the link

    (I hope it was ok, to do this, I figured we'd get more people joining if we called it a group)
  • ksyrnyk
    ksyrnyk Posts: 53 Member
    I love this outlook. I am definitely a turtle, and truly think it is the best way to be. I am in, and thanks for the inspiration!
  • j_courter
    j_courter Posts: 999 Member
    I love this outlook. I am definitely a turtle, and truly think it is the best way to be. I am in, and thanks for the inspiration!

    welcome, we turtles have moved on to a new shell, but we'd love to have you!'s the link