Sort of new..need motivation and ideas!

Hi everyone!

I am a 34 (almost 35 :yawn: year old mama to 2 kids - aged 4 and almost 3 and live in Australia. Since having my kids I slowly gained weight even after losing my "baby" weight and I hit 70 kgs last year. I joined Weight Watchers and lost about 7 kgs but it's creeping back up again.. Winter here means I haven't been running at all or doing any sort of exercise.

I am tracking my food on here and have the 30 day shred and am determined to do it for 30 consecutive days starting yesterday!

I am a big carb eater so am always looking out for ideas to fill up healthily without bread!

Looking forward to sharing more with you all and helping others along the way!


  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Good luck on your journey! I am doing 30 Day Shred as well, but only do it 3-4 times a week. I also do Zumba, dvds, and use our elliptical. Good luck on your journey!!!!
  • TazzytheMotivator
    TazzytheMotivator Posts: 646 Member
    You can and will succeed at this. I wish you well on this wonderful journey,
    S.W 350
    C.W 220
    Goal weight 150
    Highest weight 369:smile:
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Hi everyone!

    I am a 34 (almost 35 :yawn: year old mama to 2 kids - aged 4 and almost 3 and live in Australia. Since having my kids I slowly gained weight even after losing my "baby" weight and I hit 70 kgs last year. I joined Weight Watchers and lost about 7 kgs but it's creeping back up again.. Winter here means I haven't been running at all or doing any sort of exercise.

    I am tracking my food on here and have the 30 day shred and am determined to do it for 30 consecutive days starting yesterday!

    I am a big carb eater so am always looking out for ideas to fill up healthily without bread!

    Looking forward to sharing more with you all and helping others along the way!

    Some bread is ok (whole grain, rye/pumpernickel, etc.) just not a lot of it in a day lol - you need *some* carbs right?
    I do a little whole grain pasta on occasion, Cous Cous I love - they make a whole grain gluten free version that is so YUM...
    Also long grain brown rices are a better source of carb then a lot of "breads"...

    Best advice I could give would be to invest in a kitchen scale - they've gotten SO inexpensive now that it is a great investment that will help you monitor your carb and food intake :)

  • carmella7164
    carmella7164 Posts: 22 Member
    What is this 30 day shred? I am cutting calories to 1200 that's what myfitness pal is telling me. I am exercising a lot - almost every day. Most of my fat is in the stomach area - what else can I do. I don't do much strength training. Does anyone know how much you should do for cardio and strength dairy. What should I eat - I don't cut back that much - eat a lot cheese (can't help it), salads and granola bars and regular meals with my family. Any suggestions would help.