can you still loose weight while pregnant?

It is said that in the first 2 months and 1/2, you will have terrible fatigue very terrible and couldn't get up it consisted of sleeping, eating ,sleeping pooping and peing and back to sleep, so of course you will gained some pounds before pregnancy. Running 1 and 1/2 every day , will loose some weight? since i was very tired I didnt have the energy to do any cooking so my husband who is a cook did all the cooking I just hate what he did.


  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i wouldnt try to lose any weight while pregnant. but the "eat for 2" thing is just a myth. just try to stay at a healthy weight during your pregnancy. you can discuss this issue with your dr.
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I am not a doctor, so take my advice lightly or not at all.

    Please do not lose weight while pregnant. Your baby's health depends on it.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    It's not healthy to lose weight during pregnancy, but it is not uncommon to lose in the first trimester due to morning sickness. I lost 10 lbs in the first 30 days and then put that plus 26 on. My Ob/Gyn was very very happy with my weight gain, I was 246 when I went into labor.
  • If you began pregnancy at a healthy weight
    You should gain 25–35 pounds over the nine months. Assuming you gain between 1 and about 4 ½ pounds in the first trimester, you should put on about one pound every week in the second and third trimesters

    If you began pregnancy underweight
    You should probably gain a little more than women who are at a healthy weight. That's because underweight women are more likely to have small babies. A 28- to 40-pound gain is usually best. Assuming you gain between 1 and about 4 ½ pounds in the first trimester, try to gain slightly over a pound a week in the second and third trimesters.

    If you began pregnancy overweight
    You should gain only 15–25 pounds over the nine months. Assuming you gain between 1 and about 4 ½ pounds in the first trimester, you should put on slightly over ½ pound every week in the second and third trimesters. While you don't want to gain too much weight, you should never try to lose weight during pregnancy because that could harm your baby.

    If you were obese at the start of your pregnancy
    You should gain only 11–20 pounds over the nine months. Assuming you gain between 1 and about 4 ½ pounds in the first trimester, aim for gaining slightly under ½ pound every week in the second and third trimesters.

    If you're expecting twins
    You should probably gain between 37-54 pounds over the nine months if you began pregnancy at a healthy weight. If you began pregnancy overweight, aim for gaining a total of 31-50 pounds. If you were obese at the start of your pregnancy, you should gain between 25-42 pounds over the nine months. (That means gaining about 1 ½ pounds a week in the last two trimesters.)
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Technically, yes, but it's generally not recommended - talk to your doctor. Remember: pregnancy means GROWING a whole 'nother person inside of you. Your body needs lots of nutrients and energy to supply those dividing and growing cells with the things they NEED.

    Certainly, if you are accustomed to exercising before you conceive, then you can keep being active (again talk to your doctor). One of my friends ran 3 miles EVERY day while pregnant up until about a week before delivery. Of course, she was an avid runner before she got pregnant.

    Eat clean, eat smart. Some women, lose, gain, or maintain the first trimester, but after that you should def. be gaining weight for the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

    You need about 300 additional calories above maintenance (+eating your exercise calories) to grow that tiny bundle of joy healthfully without putting on an abundance of excess pounds. Afterwards, if you choose to breastfeed, you will need about 500 additional calories per day.

    Again though - talk to your doctor as your situation/health is unique to you.
  • itsanot
    itsanot Posts: 89 Member
    Yes you can lose weight while pregnant! I sure did! My starting weight was 252, when I got to the hospital to have my son I was 262. The morning after having him I was 232! I did not retain water, was very active working up to the last week, but the biggest thing was I craved fresh fruit, all kinds! It can be done, eat healthy and smart and with your DR following you I'm sure there will be no problem! Good luck and congratulations!
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    You only need approximately 300 extra calories when your pregnant.. You don't need to over do it. Look into the HGC diet on google and do some reading.. If your obese ive heard that during pregnancy is the easiest time to lose weight without dieting or eating less because you have a hormone that makes your body feed off your fat cells easier. I I dont see how light cardio could do you any harm as long as your eating back your exercise calories.
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    It depends what you mean. Should you? No. Can you as in is it possible that you do? Yes. Is it good for you and your baby no. I had one really healthy pregnancy where I had morning sickness but I could eat. I had others where it was hard to eat and keep anything down. They basically have alot to do with why I am here today. It is not healthy to not get enough nutrition while being pregnant. That being said I think that there could be cases where someone eating junk all the time and over eating who was obese started to eat the right kinds of foods and enough of them for their pregnancy so that by the end of it all after delivery and a period of getting back to normal afterwards could be at a healthier weight after pregnancy but not before delivery. You need to gain up to 30 pounds or at least 28 the last time I checked. I would check with your doctor about what exercise is safe for you as well. See a doctor and get good prenatal care. Eat healthy food. If something doesn't seem right check it out.
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Not everyone "should" gain a set amount of weight during pregnancy. And as one person pointed out, pregnancy only requires about an additional 300 calories a day (breastfeeding about 500).
    Are you asking if you should lose weight? Are yoh currently consider under, normal or overweight? That makes a huge difference! Also, most doctors reccomend to continue exercising through out your pregency. I was in the gym until the day before I delivered, doing both cardio and weight training. It makes labor much easier and healthier babies! I had a nearly natural child-birth (a single round of pain meds early on and that was it, no epidural and no more pain meds) and I attribute a lot of that to my continuing to workout.
    The take home- Unless you are obese, you probably should not be losing weight while pregnant. You should stick to working out. You should NOT using this as an excuse to eat any/every thing and get lazy, you will regret it later! And you should try to clean up your eating and lifestyle as much as possible! Clean and healthy mommies make healthy babies!
  • kassandra1717
    kassandra1717 Posts: 82 Member
    Not everyone "should" gain a set amount of weight during pregnancy. And as one person pointed out, pregnancy only requires about an additional 300 calories a day (breastfeeding about 500).
    Are you asking if you should lose weight? Are yoh currently consider under, normal or overweight? That makes a huge difference! Also, most doctors reccomend to continue exercising through out your pregency. I was in the gym until the day before I delivered, doing both cardio and weight training. It makes labor much easier and healthier babies! I had a nearly natural child-birth (a single round of pain meds early on and that was it, no epidural and no more pain meds) and I attribute a lot of that to my continuing to workout.
    The take home- Unless you are obese, you probably should not be losing weight while pregnant. You should stick to working out. You should NOT using this as an excuse to eat any/every thing and get lazy, you will regret it later! And you should try to clean up your eating and lifestyle as much as possible! Clean and healthy mommies make healthy babies!

    Well said.
  • plv2010
    plv2010 Posts: 48 Member
    I wouldn't recommend trying to lose weight, but again every situation is different. I was following the normal pregnancy diet, and eating the recommended extra 300 calories. Then when I hit 38 weeks, my doctor realized my son was underweight because I had something wrong with my umbilical cord, and I had to be induced. He was only 5lbs, but things might have been worse if I had tried to lose weight while pregnant. Of course this isn't the case with everyone, but you never know what complications could arise with pregnancy.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I have gained and lost pregnancy weight THREE times. It sucks but it can be done. Please do not try to lose weight while pregnant. Eat healthy and enough for your child. Worry about your own weight later.
  • noelheart
    noelheart Posts: 60
    I am not a doctor, so take my advice lightly or not at all.

    Please do not lose weight while pregnant. Your baby's health depends on it.

    Thanks for you, doctor, I will follow your advice.
  • noelheart
    noelheart Posts: 60
    I have gained and lost pregnancy weight THREE times. It sucks but it can be done. Please do not try to lose weight while pregnant. Eat healthy and enough for your child. Worry about your own weight later.

  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    It's not a good idea to attempt to lose weight while pregnant, unless you're already pretty overweight to begin with. And even then, it's recommended that you lose with caution, and very gradually with a doctor's supervision.

    That being said, it's not like you have to actively eat like you're attempting to gain weight for two people, or sit around like you're going to break. I followed my instincts when I was pregnant, ate when hungry, jogged in the beginning (I was a runner to begin with, so I ran up until about six months, when I got too uncomfortable), walked 2-3 miles the last trimester, gained about 35lbs, and lost 20lbs just by giving birth. The rest I've had to work off through hard work, but really, it's not hard if you're dedicated to making it happen. Most people find it harder to lost the weight when they don't stay active and eat healthy during their pregnancy, and as a result, their body isn't physically ready to bounce back easily.

    Bottom line? Take care of yourself. Eat healthy, and stay active. Weight is an arbitrary number you should keep in the back of your mind, not the front. The rest will fall into place, if you take care of yourself.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Depends on how overweight you are. Its recommended that women in the obese category (by bmi) only gain 15-20 pounds. Assuming a 7 pound baby, a 1 pound placenta, however much amniotic fluid weighs, 2 pounds of boobie growth, that's 11+ of your 15-20. Then they won't let you eat during labor, which is physically strenuous and most women loose weight there... so yes, its totally possible to loose fat while pregnant/delivering, but that's only considered OK if you're way to big to begin with. Bottom line, while pregnant, its not a good idea to eat less than 2200 calories. If you're doing that and loosing weight, check with your Dr., it might be OK, it might not, depends on the individual case.
  • noelheart
    noelheart Posts: 60
    Depends on how overweight you are. Its recommended that women in the obese category (by bmi) only gain 15-20 pounds. Assuming a 7 pound baby, a 1 pound placenta, however much amniotic fluid weighs, 2 pounds of boobie growth, that's 11+ of your 15-20. Then they won't let you eat during labor, which is physically strenuous and most women loose weight there... so yes, its totally possible to loose fat while pregnant/delivering, but that's only considered OK if you're way to big to begin with. Bottom line, while pregnant, its not a good idea to eat less than 2200 calories. If you're doing that and loosing weight, check with your Dr., it might be OK, it might not, depends on the individual case.