What if C25K is too hard? Is there something wrong with me?



  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    Well, you are all officially geniuses. Who knew that you could jog the same speed as you walk? :-) At that pace I was able to do the minute with no problem. I have to admit I felt like I was cheating, but at least I know how all the "minimally fit" out there were able to do it, and I don't feel like such a loser. Woo hoo, mystery solved!!

    The best thing is... jogging at the same speed as walking gets my heart rate going! I can keep it up much higher by jogging at a slower speed. The only way I can do that while walking is to hike up the incline and that is starting to hurt my legs!!

    edited to say *and by hurt my legs... it's not the good pain...
  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    I agree dont give up!!! When I started I hated running.....couldnt make it a minute without wanting to pass out even though I can do spin class and other forms of cardio no problem. Running is just different....moving your entire body not just part. I didnt do C25k but just kept running until I cant run anymore. After 5 months I am now proud to admit I love running and can run 3 miles in 30 minutes which for me is a huge accomplishment. :-)
  • GeekGirlOnAQuest
    GeekGirlOnAQuest Posts: 84 Member
    Thank you so much for asking this! I tried C25K last summer and thought I was going to die. I kept trying but just couldn't make it through the first week and gave up in frustration. I thought there was something wrong with me too, but it is so nice to hear everyone's stories and advice! You all have motivated me to give it another go, starting with that jogging as slow as I walk tip.

    Thank you for asking and thanks to everyone for sharing your struggles with it! This is why I love MFP!
  • allybtucker
    I know, isn't it awesome?!? I've been struggling for years thinking I was defective, and all along, I was trying to do to much, and giving up because I didn't think I measured up. Let's here it for collective wisdom!
  • tattycakes
    tattycakes Posts: 20 Member
    I've just started C25K and found it really hard to run for the length of time set for the intervals. I followed all the advice on this thread and jogged slower and gentler, even as slow as walking pace, and was able to jog for the whole interval each time, it felt great! Week 2 starts in a couple of days, fingers crossed!