Moms Losing 50 (Closed Group)



  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    i know its been a while but i am back. broke my ankle last weekend so i might be a bit disappointed when i hop on that scale. But have not gone over my calories so maybe ill be alright. Ima start the challenges tomorrow they sound awsome!

    So sorry! I hope you have a full recovery quickly!
  • i know its been a while but i am back. broke my ankle last weekend so i might be a bit disappointed when i hop on that scale. But have not gone over my calories so maybe ill be alright. Ima start the challenges tomorrow they sound awsome!

    Sorry to hear that. How did you do it?

    I almost killed my day by forgetting to put a Popeye's apple pie in my tracker. Luckily I caught it before I decided to help myself to desert.
  • tinalb28
    tinalb28 Posts: 22
    I feels good to be back will update my weight tonight!!
  • tinalb28
    tinalb28 Posts: 22
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • fjune
    fjune Posts: 27
    Sorry to hear about your accident and hope you get better. Good luck on your continued weight loss. I am switching between 2 weight loss apps and logging informaiton but I gained 6 pounds while I was out vacation - YUK! Now, it is time to get that fat burning train moving again!

    Good luck to everyone!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    where is everyone this week, it seems slow on the group. I am going camping this weekend.I hope to get lots of hiking and swimming in and not alot of eating. LOL. My mom is coming camping with us and then taking the kids home with her for 4 days.When they come back they will have 3 days then school will start, I am looking forward to school starting so I can get back on schedule and get back to the gym regularly

    here is my weigh in for this week

    Screen name: themommie aka sheri
    july 20 179.1
    Start weight July 27: 179
    August goal - 175
    Aug 03: 178,9
    Aug 10: 178.9
    Aug 17:
    Aug 24:
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    I gained again this week :-(
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    hi everyone,
    I am back from camping, we had a wonderful time. Lots of hiking and swimming. My mom met us there and then took the kids home so that me and my hubby can celebrate our anniversary. YEAH. No kids for 4 days, what shall we do? We took our puppy camping and this morning as we were getting ready to leave he was running around the table and knocked over my sons fishing pool and ran and somehow got the fish hook caught on the top of his mouth. He was yelping but we got him to calm down and he allowed me to open his mouth and keep it open while my hubby used some side snipes(a type of wire cutters used for fishing) to cut the bottom of the hook and get it out. Talk about a trusting puppy and a traumatic experience. My daughter was crying hysterically and I felt horrible. But we looked and looked and cannot even see where it was and he seems to be fine. I will be keeping a really close eye on him for a few days though.

    I did pretty good eating wise so I hope with all the exercising the scale shows a loss this next week.......Hope everyone had a good uneventful weekend......
  • TrishaLeighNelson
    TrishaLeighNelson Posts: 258 Member
    Hello, may I please join?? I am a new mom, my daughter was born 10 weeks early and is currently in the NICU

    Im20 years old, 5'9" and 212
    My goal is to be 165 by next summer at the latest.
    My goal outside of weight, is to be the best mom I can be. For starters, to get everything ready at home for her to come, eventually for my soon to be husband and I to get our own place and to provide for our wonderful little girl

    pleaseee may I join?
  • shannonsnail
    shannonsnail Posts: 99 Member
    Sure you can join!

    is your little one doing okay?
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    aryabrookenelson welcome, sending prayers your way for your daughter and you and your fiancee. Together we can do this. Weightloss is not easy but it is alot easier when you do it together
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    here is my weigh in for this week

    Screen name: themommie aka sheri
    july 20 179.1
    Start weight July 27: 179
    August goal - 175
    Aug 03: 178,9
    Aug 10: 178.9
    Aug 17: 178.3
    Aug 24:
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    WHERE IS EVERYONE? How is everyone doing? I havent lost much in the last 4 weeks, having the kids home made it harder to get to the gym. the kids started school today so I hope to get back into routine and the scales start dropping........
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    here is my weigh in for this week

    Screen name: themommie aka sheri
    july 20 179.1
    Start weight July 27: 179
    August goal - 175
    Aug 03: 178,9
    Aug 10: 178.9
    Aug 17: 178.3
    Aug 24:178.1
    Aug 31

    nothing like losing slowly. Where is everyone? Please post your weigh in so we can see how you are doing
  • vmwelch1229
    vmwelch1229 Posts: 19 Member
    Just wondering how everyone is doing? I have been so busy with back to school, shopping for back to school and now homework with my child. How has the back to school routine worked for everyone else? Just wondering. I haven't lost any, but haven't gained any either.
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