C25K- Am I kidding myself?



  • Gary6030
    Gary6030 Posts: 593 Member
    This is what I did. Each day I walked and forced myself to walk farther. Once I was able to do the whole 3.2 miles. Which took me about 8 days. Then I began timing it. Each day I tried to knock time off each day I trained.. It was these small goals that helped me to participate in my first 5K. I still had to powerwalk through part of it. But I did it in 38:24. I did one pre=weight loss and it took me 1 hour and 15 minutes. The program won't get easier. Its developed to push you to be able to run the whole 5K. So each week gets more difficult. With that said running a mile will be easy compared to running 3.2. :) So you hang in there and keep pushing yourself. If you pass out you'll wake up. If you puke you'll stop eventually. You're much stronger than you think. I promise!
  • hairbykiela
    I am doing the C25K program, and I LOVE it!!! I NEVER thought I could be a runner...But now I am in Week 5!!! I go at a very slow pace, but I FINISH, that is all that matters! :-) Finding your pace is key.
  • weeziews
    weeziews Posts: 162 Member
    I would suggest walking more until you are comfortable walking at 3.0 or 3.5 the point of c25k is to gradually get you running. Do not focus on speed only focus on finishing each day. If you have to repeat a day or a week then do it, a lot of us do and that is okay! I couldnt believe when I was able to run 10 minutes without stopping and now I can run 2 miles. If you would have asked if I would be running a couple of months ago I would of said heck no! We have all been there. Stick with it!!
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Don't despair, I used to be over 400lbs and walking anywhere much less running was no easy task.. now I love running, granted I can only do about 30 mins before feeling like a noodle lol but you can do it..

    You can modify the C25K program if it feels like they are increasing it at a pace too much for you... but don't give up you can get to where you want to be by determination.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Don't let what others do psych you out!! You have to build up to that kind of speed and endurance anyways! I'm TRYING to keep up with C25K, but I get so bored with my workouts that I end up switching to something else, like EVERY day. But if you keep running and slowly push yourself a little more each time, you'll end up running for 7 minutes straight at 4.7 mph. I'm a big girl too! NEVER thought I could do that. ;D
  • springer32
    springer32 Posts: 3 Member
    Heather, remember what we talked about. Just the fact that you are getting on there and exercising 3 times a week will make the difference. :wink: