Just curious...10 - 20 to lose 1/2 or 1?

Last stupid question...promise;)

It's time for me to get really serious about getting the 10lbs I've regained off. When I lost the weight the first time I had my own system of losing with my caloric goals and what not, but in the last year my activity level has changed somewhat and my body has too a little.

So I'm trying to just put my trust in MFP and commit, quit questioning and just commit until the weight is gone and then address my maintenance "issues" when I get there.

I've noticed a lot of varying opinions on calorie goals so I'll just ask it in this fashion. For someone who is sedetary but active in an exercise sense and looking to lose 10 - 20 lbs what is the most successful calorie goal - 1/2 lb loss or 1 lb loss OR bouncing between the two as hunger strikes.

Debate away!


  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Background: I work a sedentary desk job but on my own time am active doing exercise. I can't be bothered to wear a heart rate monitor to accurately see how many calories I burn and many say MFP's calorie burn estimates are too high.

    I have 10 pounds left to lose and I set MFP to lose 0.5 pounds/week but put my activity level at "moderately active" which accounts for any exercise I do. I will only log an exercise if I really go above and beyond, e.g. this past weekend I hiked up a mountain. I did have MFP set to lose more aggressively (1-2 pounds/week) but I plateaued for a long time and ended up having to eat more to get the scale to move again. I am now losing at a rate of 1-2 pounds per month, which sucks but I have accepted the fact that the last 10 won't come off easily!
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    ^HMMM....that is an interesting way to do it...I'd never thought of doing it that way.
  • I have mine set to 1 pound a week but have had at least one or two days a week that I go majorly over. I tend to be at or a little over my net the other days, never under! I also eat back every one of my exercise calories but have my mode set on sedentary. This has led to about 1 pound a week weight loss the past few weeks. I would set it to 1/2 but I tend to like to do stuff like grab that extra handful of wheat thins in the middle of night and of course those days of overindulgence (like Harry Potter, family scuba day trip, ect.) I figure the high days are kind of like natural cycling so having it set to 1 pound gives me more wiggle room to lose.