Armed Forces Wives/Husbands and Members...

Yesterday while getting my cardio in at home, I was watching "Surprise Homecoming" on TLC and I was crying like a baby...It is so hard to be so moved to tears, sweat and control my breathing at the same time!!

I have to commend ALL family members of our Men and Woman in the US Armed Forces. You all are STRONG individuals. It takes some kind of person to be that rock that holds things together while your brother/sister/father/mother/significant others are away fighting for our country. I know it's got to be very difficult and while sometimes you may not know it, your efforts are APPRECIATED! It's because of you, these men and women have something to fight for! It's because of you these men and women fight so THANK YOU from my family to yours!

and to ALL of the Men and Women in the Armed Forces that are reading this: I would personally like to THANK YOU. Thank you for all that you do. Thank you for doing what I cannot. Thank you for doing such an amazing yet very difficult and stressful job. Hats off to you. :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:


  • nikkijean8
    nikkijean8 Posts: 34 Member
    :D Big smile. Thank-you! I totally can't watch that show, btw, I'd be in tears ALL the time! :)
  • kaaatielove
    kaaatielove Posts: 248 Member
    Great post! Thanks to the members of the armed forces for all you do! :)
  • LotsOtots5
    LotsOtots5 Posts: 174
    :) Thanks for appreciating! We've had quite a few homecomings and trust me, everyone is just a mess of tears! It's great :)
  • chelseawilliamson
    awesome post! thank you!!
  • 1luckygal
    1luckygal Posts: 111 Member
    I've seen the commercials for that show - I can't watch it though. My husband is active duty military and it's all too real - but thank you for your post. Sadly the appreciation for our military lessens more and more every day. We have had people find out he is military and spit at him, cuss him out, call him a murderer. I am appalled every time but He somehow keeps his head up because he knows in his heart of hearts that he is fighting for a cause and because he loves his country and knows that without the security force it would not stand strong.

    So again - thank you for posting this!!!!!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I refuse to watch this show because well I'm pregnant and will cry like a small child. Every time I see a video or something on youtube or CNN I just bawl.
  • irishseven
    irishseven Posts: 35 Member
    I have been dieting and exercising for 3 months. My BIG MOTIVATION for all of this is my youngest son is going to be deployed next year. He is the youngest of five kids, and he is one of my best friends, his name is Ben. He is completing his senior year at Cal Lutheran University. He also is in military Intelligence, because he is smart and dedicated. My husband,Russ, and I decided that the stress of sending him to a war zone and having him away for at least a year, would be easier if we were both healthy. Our Military is so impressive! We are both kicking our butts for him. When ever I want to slow down when I am running, I seriously think of our soldiers carrying backpacks with all their equipment, and I push with greater intensity. For all Military Families you have ALL MY RESPECT!!!! My goal is to be thin by Christmas, but understand all Army are truly always ARMY STRONG. Thanks for your sweet thoughts for our Military!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    I refuse to watch this show because well I'm pregnant and will cry like a small child. Every time I see a video or something on youtube or CNN I just bawl.

    OMG I know...I'm not pregnant, I am just a cryer...I got the crying gene from my mom..Hallmark commercials..Even the iPhone commercial with the grandad meeting his granddaughter had me in tears...
  • dcollins12
    dcollins12 Posts: 16 Member
    I love that show and yes I cry each time too! My husband is in the army and my daughter crys when he is gone which is why that show is more emotional for me! Keep up the good work and thank for all that serve our country.
  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    It is a hard life but I'm so proud of what my husband does! Thanks for saying Thank you. It means a lot!
  • jnchorn
    jnchorn Posts: 250 Member
    This is such a sweet post. :) Thank you! I have been a Navy wife for 13 years and a girlfriend before that. I have been with him since before he joined but it never gets any easier to say goodbye. It is often a thankless job but your kind words mean a lot. :) Big HUGS!!!

  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I was an army child and now stil have many many friends in the service. I cant watch this show because I end up bawling. Heck I cried when Jeremy died in Army Wives and I KNOW that isnt real! (yeah try explaining that one to your friends who arent Army Wives fans)Every homecoming is so special and I know those on this show are even more so
  • kng39212
    kng39212 Posts: 5
    Thanks for thinking of us!!!
    It's hard but it's a way of life.
    I've been through to deployments in the last 7 years so I know. And Ive placed all my cares in gods hand
    And my Husban has been back for a year now!!!