Ok...I mean it this time...

Why do I say this every month or so when I'm about to start my diet over again? I'm annoying myself! So I have a couple of not-so-good excuses that i'm going to call out.

1. I switched jobs around June and now work from home and I'm still adjusting. The kitchen is like 10 steps away!!
2. My babygirl is 7 months old. So i struggle with "leaving" her to go to the gym. I just want to play all day!
3. My husband and I spoil each other many different ways, but mostly with food. "You want a large cookies 'n cream shake from Chikfila? I'll be right back!"
4. TX is HOT! 100+ degrees every day - I don't wanna go outside...EVER!

Now that those are out of the way, I need encouragement! I am starting out good, but I need it to carry through. I've joined the gym 5 mins away. I've made the decision to eat better, not diet. I need to lose weight to be the vibrant, energetic, slim me that's buried underneath here somewhere! Please friend me! :D


  • Don't ever think of it as a diet. It's a lifestyle change. Make small changes every day. My first one was having breakfast. A small change that made everything else fit in and move around.
  • leilani♥
    leilani♥ Posts: 579
    You can do it! I've noticed anytime there's a change in my daily routine it throws my diet & exercise off. For example last September I went on vacation. I went to the hotel's gym 1 time out of the 5 days I was there. I ate whatever I wanted. When I got back home I was back to not exercising and eating anything. Then I got motivated and started to diet/exercise again. Well shortly after the HOLIDAYS came and we went to my father in laws for a weekend and well there it went again! lol...

    I'm home all the time so my kitchen is easily accessible as well. What I've done to stop the food intake is I bought Almonds, craisins, avocado, bananas. When I feel like heating up one of my kids "hot pockets" I go grab one of those foods instead and drown myself with water.

    My girls are 2 & 4 years old and are with me ALL DAY. My gym has a fabulous childcare facility and there's always 20+ kids there. I look at it as a good way for them to mingle & get out of the house :) But I understand how you feel with a baby at 7 months old .. I wish mine were that little still aww :)

    My boyfriend is NOT ON A DIET. But he knows I am trying to lose weight. So he'll tell me "No, I don't think you should eat that" or "That's enough chips!!!" hahaha... Tell your husband to help you by telling you no.

    I live in AZ and I know what HOT is too! I stay indoors at all times. We can do this!! I believe in you :)
  • abbysmommy1
    abbysmommy1 Posts: 48 Member
    I know how you feel. It's sooo easy to yo yo diet, especially when you're dealing with "Mommy Guilt" and spend more time than you should eating fast food and using food as a reward for yourself or those around you. I'll add you as a friend, and will be happy to hole you accountable and provide encouraging words when you need them. We all need support, tips and ideas! That's why we're here :happy:
  • Cg93
    Cg93 Posts: 5
    Like Blondebaby9890 said, It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. You can still let yourself have a cookie or burger or whatever every once in a while, but make small steps. Eventually you'll get into the grove of eating healthy.

    One good tip also is try to keep chips and unhealthy foods out of sight. Put those away in a cupboard and keep a bowl of fruit on the counter. This has helped me a lot. I've started reaching for the fruit instead of the chips.

    Also, see if your husband will do this with you. Whether he wants to lose weight or not, it's still good to eat healthy and exercise.

    I hope I helped!! =)
  • MichelleLydia
    MichelleLydia Posts: 224 Member
    Oh I am the queen of "ok this time, I really mean it..." ! I am a stay at home mommy, when a 2 yr old boy - so I totally relate to your reasonings! But you can do it. I can't afford a gym, so I make his lunch time my workout time, he eats while I do a video or the Wii or whatever is accessible. I've stopped buying the junk food - my hubby has his stash, but that is it! I keep bowls of cut up fruit and veggies in the fridge instead, for a quick snack! Good luck!!
  • GoyaMommy13
    GoyaMommy13 Posts: 80 Member
    Thanks guys for the tips! My hubby also wants to lose weight but he's the king of "Ok THIS Monday, we're starting!" **rolls eyes**

    so we had a "come to jesus" yesterday. We are going to start using the Kids Klub at the gym we pay for...imagine that! LOL. hopefully, with him on board, we'll be able to encourage each other. that's a big issue with us, we want to spoil each other. and what do each of us love? FOOD! the fattening kind! LOL