Do you think this will help???



  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    You are describing Intermittent Fasting, as I'm sure you know. You're going to get A LOT of people who don't understand this LIFESTYLE, yes it's a lifestyle not necessarily a diet. And the don't understand because they haven't read the research behind. I used to be one of those people who thought it was ridiculous and unhealthy. However, I have since done my research and think that if could be a very healthy LIFESTYLE if it works for you. I'm considering doing 1 24 hour fast, but have yet to make it work into my day because I have been slave to you must eat 5-6xs a day for so long that it is very difficult for me.

    My recommendation would be to keep doing your research and see if you can find a forum that would have better info for you.

    Of course it's a lifestyle...NOT A DIET....It's feels much more natural for me to eat this way and it's something I can sustain for a long time...I was just asking if I took a break from it for a week or a few days, would that help boost my metabolism/ break through my plateau, since i read that confusing your metabolism is the best way to get results :)

    I disagree with most of these people. Do what your body tells you to do. They are not you and if you aren't hungry, don't eat :) However, changing it up may not hurt. These are the same "experts" that say you can't do an hour of cardio without hurting yourself somehow.
  • kklindsey
    kklindsey Posts: 382 Member
    not going to knock your eating plan. change it up and you don't even have to go to 6-8 small meals if you don't want to. change the time period you eat or chang how much you eat one day a week. I have been doing this loss/maintenance thing for a long time and the body gets used to what you are doing and settles into a balance. You give your body 5 workouts a week, same workout variations and same amount of calories for 3 months and it figures it out and adjust itself to maintain the status quo on those stats. If you shake it up you will kick the weight loss back into gear. Just be careful because this is where I always have a problem. I am so good at keeping to calories and workouts and when I change them it throws me for a loop mentally and sometimes trying to have one day of eating more turns into two or four, lol. or taking a week off of weights turns into longer.

    make a plan for what you think you need to change, whether it is food or exercise. then decide if you want to go more or less and try it out for a week. then go back to your regular plan. you just have to experiment and because you arent in a lab you never really will know for sure if "it" worked or you just broke through the plateau because it was a full moon, lol.
  • FL_Nettie
    FL_Nettie Posts: 265 Member
    What if you split your eating window into two times instead of just once a day? I'm not a breakfast person, but maybe if you ate a light breakfast of 200 - 300 calories then ate the rest of your calories in the evening time slot that might help? I think our bodies get used to things and sometimes a simple change is all it takes to get it going again.

    For what it's worth, I don't like the 6-8 times a day eating (or grazing) method. FOR ME it doesn't fill me up. And there have been some new studies that show that it can promote over eating because as you said, people don't ever really fill up and they overeat more. But that's me. It might work for others.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It's probably more healthy for your body to spread out your meals. I'm not saying you have to eat 5-6 meals a day, although that works for some people. Maybe 2-3 meals a day. That's what I do. But only eating from 7-11pm sounds unhealthy. Your body needs more regular refueling than that.
  • clayeth54
    clayeth54 Posts: 13
    She asked a simple question, I don't think labeling her is going to help. Does she look unhealthy? Not even close to that. Just because she is experimenting with a different way to lose does not mean she has a disorder. Layoff or offer something constructive. Everyone loses differently, this is why I don't take advice too seriously on this site.

    I would venture to say that at 1200 calories all during a short window, I would worry that your body may be calorie deficient at some points in the day to the point that it is not burning fat properly. If the body is under the impression nutrition is scarce, it can cause it to avoid burning fat and can actually burn muscle instead. For this reason alone, I would look at spreading those calories out through the day more. I'm not really that familiar with what is reasonable for a female while trying to lose weight, but I would possibly even consider eating a few more healthy calories and continue exercising and see if it actually improves. That said, I'm not expert, just what popped into my head from the information I've gathered while trying to get healthier myself.
  • DontThinkJustRun
    DontThinkJustRun Posts: 248 Member
    You are describing Intermittent Fasting, as I'm sure you know. You're going to get A LOT of people who don't understand this LIFESTYLE, yes it's a lifestyle not necessarily a diet. And the don't understand because they haven't read the research behind. I used to be one of those people who thought it was ridiculous and unhealthy. However, I have since done my research and think that if could be a very healthy LIFESTYLE if it works for you. I'm considering doing 1 24 hour fast, but have yet to make it work into my day because I have been slave to you must eat 5-6xs a day for so long that it is very difficult for me.

    My recommendation would be to keep doing your research and see if you can find a forum that would have better info for you.

    Of course it's a lifestyle...NOT A DIET....It's feels much more natural for me to eat this way and it's something I can sustain for a long time...I was just asking if I took a break from it for a week or a few days, would that help boost my metabolism/ break through my plateau, since i read that confusing your metabolism is the best way to get results :)

    My lifestyle comment was for those who were telling you that IF was just another "diet".