
How do you all keep from getting sidetracked?

This is the first time that this has happened to me. Last Thursday was my daughter's 5th birthday; my husband took time off from work and my mom came to visit. I didn't track for those 5 days or exercise much. I indulged in (lots of) cupcakes and pizza, which aren't a normal part of our routine. I even put off my school work due to all the other things going on. The upside is that I didn't gain any weight.


  • icandothistrish85
    Nope, I don't get sidetracked, because my ENTIRE family knows my lifestyle. I eat normal, whole, natural, organic foods. I don't deprive and there's always plenty of flavorful filling foods made. I'm not a vegan/vegetarian, but I do eat healthily. My mom says she's NEVER had as much energy than she has when she comes to visit me for the weekend, because I make all our meals and snacks as naturally and as filling as possible. I'm ALWAYS under on my calorie allowance and I eat like a NFL football player. (Add me and spy my diary, if you'd like). I make all the birthday cakes, muffins, cookies, etc. And I DO NOT buy processed sugary bakery/boxed stuff from the grocery store. If I really want a "treat food" that bad, I'll make the time and put in the effort to make it from scratch, pizza included. My mom and husband know and support my food budget and calorie allowance. My kids know that we eat healthy and that sugar will make them feel sleepy and sick, just like fast food and fried junk. We drink water all day and exercise is FUN in our house. Exercise as fun is hella emphasized in our household. Racing to the park, playing tag around the jungle gym, playing horse basketball, dance, karate, etc. The kids always see me and daddy (user: DerrickR333) moving.

    I'm not on a diet, I just live a healthier life full of positive influences and decisions. I learned quickly not to depend on "willpower" I choose MYpower and I've been great at it. I don't live to eat, I eat to live.