


  • tmarie2715
    tmarie2715 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I was hungry the first two weeks (on and off). Your stomach needs time to shrink down and get used to the proper amount of food for your needs. Power through it! GL
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I go through that one day per month, what I have come to call my "ravenous days" because it seems like I can eat and eat and eat and eat and never find a satisfied point. Last month, it was Cheeze Its. My MIL nicely bought us a box (it was the baked ones, at least) and I don't like to say no thank you to her when she is trying to help. Usually my kids will eat them before they start to call to me. I didn't eat the whole box, thankfully. I would get one serving at a time and two big glasses of water. I only ended up like 200 calories over for the day, but I went to bed starving! The next morning, I was worried I would want a bigger breakfast, and I was fine. There's nothing wrong with 1 bad day a month... it's when you have multiple bad days in a row that you're starting to break your good habits. :)
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    A scoop of peanut butter or a hand full of almonds may help. I just ate some Great Value Cranberry, Almond, Sunflower Seed mix just a minute ago. It will pull me though till dinner. Good luck!
  • kcatalogna
    I've been feeling hungry a lot lately and my boyfriend keeps asking if I'm starving myself haha. I'm just following the calorie outline according to what the website says. Perhaps I'm not eating enough carbs and fiber. I think I really need to put together better meals for lunch and dinner so I don't get so hungry. I'm set on no cheating!!!
  • AI1108
    AI1108 Posts: 488 Member
    I've always heard that that feeling is your body trying to tell you that something else is going on, whether an imbalance of vitamins in your system, or a lack of a certain macronutrient, etc. are you overdo-ing carbs or fats maybe? do you take a multivitamin regularly?