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vodkalady Posts: 26 Member
Hello I am 37 been trying for 7 years to loss but have not gotten any were ..... I'm at my heaviest now @ 240 the lowest I've got in the past was 200 when I was haveing my children who are 23 months apart ( now 9 & 7 ) before the kids I was about 210 - 215 .... now I'm 240 - 235 at any given time........ coming to my last options.... any help would be greatly appricated ....... M.G. (new member)


  • mljdunham
    mljdunham Posts: 1
    Its really hard to loss the weight and keep it off, but the best advice I can give is to first start traing your self to eat well and to resist those temptations once a month might be ok but any more than that may derail you; take baby step dont force it set a goal as well and take a picture of your self and go from there. rember to set a specific goal and a reasonal one ( date and weight loss) and exercise even if its just walking, Good Luck