Losing 10 pounds! Help please!

My goal is to lose another 10 pounds. When I started my weight loss journey a year ago, I weighed at 135 on my frame of 4 ft 11inches. I lost 15 pounds and now am down to 120 pounds. I did this on a different popular weight loss site. Since losing the weight, I have purchased a treadmill, currently working on a bedroom into a workout room, joined some community fitness classes, started drinking tons of water, and changed the way I see food. However, I would like to lose another 10 - 15 pounds of fat but I am really stuck!! I have been really stuck for a long time. I need help! I need encouragement! I need some fitness tips. Anyone want to talk? Is this a genetic thing?

Thank you for your support!


  • shortee75
    shortee75 Posts: 164
    I am 4'10 and currently I am at 122 (as of 7/16) - like you I would like to be between 105-110.

    I was 127.2 in Feb, but managed to lose 6.6lbs between Feb 19 - June 8 using WW; however, I was not happy with the results I was getting so I quit paying/attending the meetings. I think that was a mistake on my part because I have not lost anything since then and now i'm gaining it back. I have not figured out how many calories I need to be eating daily to lose weight so for right now, I am using MFP in conjunction with the material/knowledge I gained from WW to see if I can start losing again on my own.

    I am also doing the following exercise when I can (sick at the moment so no exercise the last 2 days):

    Monday: BodyPump (strenght training)
    Tuesday: Zumba
    Wednesday: Treadmill
    Thursday: Zumba
    Friday: nothing at the moment, but want to start doing Turbo Kick or treadmill

    Saturday/Sunday: rest days

    **Although, I will be starting the 30 Day Shred as soon as I am over being sick and will not have any full rest days**
  • grubermom
    grubermom Posts: 1
    I too am 4"11' and I currently weigh 123lbs. I've been to every doctor hoping for a magic answer. They all say the same thing. I eat too much. I try to stick to 1100 calories and do 45-55 minutes of cardio 5-6 days a week. The bottom line, it is really difficult. It seems I have a few good days and then the weekend comes and I blow it. I don't go hog wild, but those extra calories add up. I've read recently that you should drink ice cold water first thing in the morning. It helps speed up your metabolism. I just started this morning so lets see what happens. It's worth a try. It is very frustrating but I have to believe if we stick with it somethings got to give! Best of luck,
  • JoeB71
    JoeB71 Posts: 115 Member
    Study your MFP food diary & try to find your problem areas (carbs, sugars etc)
    I know a lot of people who tend to plateau after loosing a bunch of weight.
    Whatever you do, don't become discouraged. You've done a great job so far & with patience & support from MFP you will reach your goal. Best of luck.
  • deyeane
    deyeane Posts: 6 Member
    I would increase the exercise, and do different types of exercise.

    Then I would try cutting out one food group a week, and see which one makes you lose (i.e. this week cut out dairy and see if it helps get your calcium from other sources, then try carbs for one week, and so on).

    When you get close to your goal, it is more difficult. You have to be very dilligent.
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I had to add more calories because I was burning them all off in exercising. It jumped started my weight loss.
  • mojo501976
    mojo501976 Posts: 62 Member
    what is the 30-day shed?