How do you deal with all the info?

So having been on the weight loss journey for over 5 years now, I am starting to have a really hard time knowing what to believe anymore.

I think the biggest one I'm having trouble with is the starvation mode. For every time I see this written about and the science behind it I can find another article that says the complete opposite with equally compelling science behind that. So do you play it safe and eat high just in case it really does slow down your metabolism to eat too little or follow the people behind calorie restriction who say the eating less actually improves longevity and decreases risk for disease.

Same thing with eating 5-6xs a vs. 2-4xs a day.

I guess it just goes to show that it really doesn't matter...all that matters is what works for YOU, but it's still hard not to get side tracked into think OMG I've been doing it all wrong. And I hate to go down this road...but sometimes I think that it's just the food industry making stuff up to sway us into buying their products. Take breakfast for example. Next time you hear oh you have to eat breakfast! 9x out of 10 it's the cereal industry or someone else who would profit telling you that...

Anyway, my head is just spinning lately, I think I need to get off the internet and find a new hobby!


  • It is all very overwhelming for someone trying to weed through the bull**** information out there. I got pretty overwhelmed with 1. Trying to get the right resource and reference and 2. Correcting people that thought otherwise. Unfortunately, there will always be 5 more people to say something like 'carbs make you fat and sleepy and you will never have any energy!'
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    There sure is a lot of conflicting info coming at us from all directions. There is a lot of garbage out there, after all its a billion dollar industry and everyone wants a quick fix.

    I say, do what works for you and your body. Try different things for a few weeks and measure the results and go from there. I like to keep my body guessing and also to stay out of a rut. Right now I just started eating 6 meals a day, but will only do this for as long as the results are good, then I will change back to 3. Same thing with eating back calories, same thing with switching up exercise routines. I just try it while its working and when it doesn't try something else. Regardless, I am eating way healthier than before and am exercising regularly. And that's what matters most.