Ladies and WEIGHTS!



  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    I actually thought I was good on lower body till I got a trainer. WHEW!!! So inquire someone at the gym they will teach you everything. Anyway, I am so glad you want to sculpt. It is so beautiful.

    I do Legs on Monday ; back/biceps on Tuesday; Wed Rest from weights but do cardio if you want; Thursday: Chest /Triceps/Shoulders; Friday: Abs and more LEGS

    Each day is followed by 20 minutes High Intensity Interval Training on the elliptical.

    If you start to lose weight again cut back on some of the cardio routine. I am losing right now so I have alot of cardio in the below routine plus I teach Zumba which is the ultimate cardio. ;-) Lift like a man though to look like a sleek and sexy woman. Push out 10-12 reps of everything. My reps are higher because my weight is just a bit lower than yours needs to be.

    Monday: Legs
    Cardio as my warm-up (Walk for 10 minutes)
    Calf raises (3-4 set 15-20 reps)
    Leg extensions (4 sets 12 reps)
    Single leg lunges on a smith machine (3-4 sets 15 reps)
    Leg press (3-4 sets 12-15 reps)
    Roman Deadlifts (45)
    Side to side glutes (45)
    Cardio (10 minutes)
    Zumba (60 minutes at Curves)

    Tuesday: back / biceps
    Assisted pullups (3-4 sets of 12)
    Seated rows (3-4 sets of 12)
    Lat pulldowns (3-4 sets of 12)
    Preacher curls (3-4 sets of 15)
    Hammer curls (3-4 sets of 15)
    Incline curls (3-4 sets of 12)

    Zumba (60 minutes)

    Thursday: triceps /shoulders / abs
    Cardio (Walk for 20 minutes)
    Overhead extensions (3 sets of 12)
    Kickbacks (3 sets of 12)
    Cable pushdowns (3 sets of 12)
    Skull crushers (3 sets of 12)
    Assisted bench dips (3 sets of 12)
    Zumba (30 minutes at Curves)

    Friday: abs / legs / cardio
    Stiff-leg deadlifts (3 sets of 12)
    Lying leg curls (3 sets of 12) or bridges with resistance ball
    Back extensions (3 sets of 12) or supermans
    Ab routine
    Zumba (60 minutes on base)

    Zumba (60 minutes)

    I hope this helps you.....I wanna see progress pics...

    This routine is awful! This was developed by a trainer?

    You do 45 RDLs? That is pointless, you need to increase the weight. And you do three different exercises to target biceps, a vanity muscle? Wow… this trainer should be ashamed.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    I actually thought I was good on lower body till I got a trainer. WHEW!!! So inquire someone at the gym they will teach you everything. Anyway, I am so glad you want to sculpt. It is so beautiful.

    I do Legs on Monday ; back/biceps on Tuesday; Wed Rest from weights but do cardio if you want; Thursday: Chest /Triceps/Shoulders; Friday: Abs and more LEGS

    Each day is followed by 20 minutes High Intensity Interval Training on the elliptical.

    If you start to lose weight again cut back on some of the cardio routine. I am losing right now so I have alot of cardio in the below routine plus I teach Zumba which is the ultimate cardio. ;-) Lift like a man though to look like a sleek and sexy woman. Push out 10-12 reps of everything. My reps are higher because my weight is just a bit lower than yours needs to be.

    Monday: Legs
    Cardio as my warm-up (Walk for 10 minutes)
    Calf raises (3-4 set 15-20 reps)
    Leg extensions (4 sets 12 reps)
    Single leg lunges on a smith machine (3-4 sets 15 reps)
    Leg press (3-4 sets 12-15 reps)
    Roman Deadlifts (45)
    Side to side glutes (45)
    Cardio (10 minutes)
    Zumba (60 minutes at Curves)

    Tuesday: back / biceps
    Assisted pullups (3-4 sets of 12)
    Seated rows (3-4 sets of 12)
    Lat pulldowns (3-4 sets of 12)
    Preacher curls (3-4 sets of 15)
    Hammer curls (3-4 sets of 15)
    Incline curls (3-4 sets of 12)

    Zumba (60 minutes)

    Thursday: triceps /shoulders / abs
    Cardio (Walk for 20 minutes)
    Overhead extensions (3 sets of 12)
    Kickbacks (3 sets of 12)
    Cable pushdowns (3 sets of 12)
    Skull crushers (3 sets of 12)
    Assisted bench dips (3 sets of 12)
    Zumba (30 minutes at Curves)

    Friday: abs / legs / cardio
    Stiff-leg deadlifts (3 sets of 12)
    Lying leg curls (3 sets of 12) or bridges with resistance ball
    Back extensions (3 sets of 12) or supermans
    Ab routine
    Zumba (60 minutes on base)

    Zumba (60 minutes)

    I hope this helps you.....I wanna see progress pics...

    Love this. I see my trainer only once a month, and was all crazy about cardio and I realise thats BS. I need to be STRONG! and that will make me look sleek and sexy not small and flabby :)
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    whatever you do, stay away from the pink weights!!

    Ha! I love that.
    I would recommend workout DVD's such as Chalean Extreme, Power 90, or P90X.
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    I usually do all upper body one day, and lower body come from classes believe it or not. step classes tone the lower half quick. Don't be afraid to lift heavy. For some reason a lot of women I know think they'll look like the terminator... lat pull downs, tricep dips/extensions, bicep curls, chest fly... You tube is a great source, and a lot of gyms have sort of "tour" programs you can sign up for, and they'll show you what the machines do and how to work them and make then work for you. Good Luck! And Great Work! :)
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I second, third, fourth, whatever number it's up to... New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    Or if you want something a little more flexible... New Rules of Lifting (the original).

    edit... correction on title. I've gotten in the habit of typing New Rules of Working Out for Insane Zombie Survival and that just slipped out wrong.
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice! I realized I have been WAAYY too much of a cardio queen, and now its time to lift lift lift!
  • jipper44
    jipper44 Posts: 111

    Picked this one up from another MFP friend. On my week #4 and feeling fantastic :)
  • efokken
    efokken Posts: 138 Member
    don't be afraid to lift heavy, get a trainer if you can afford, pyramiding works well, also push/pull/legs workout is great... Jamie Eason website is awesome!
  • Emma1903
    Emma1903 Posts: 195
    Again buy the book new rules of lifting for women, great info in there and has all the workout you could want in there!
    Lift heavy, i started weight training about 2 months ago and it is so much fun, I love it. Can't imagine not doing it now.
    Every time you up your weights I get a buzz of accomplishment!
    Buy it, live it, lift!
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I'm a Jillian fanatic. I love her dvds because with work and being a SAHM I can't get to the gym. No More Trouble Zones kills my upper body, in a good way :)
  • Seanb_us
    Seanb_us Posts: 322 Member
    Great thread. For the most part, being new, I focus on weight routines that work combinations of muscles, such as leg press, lunges, lat pulldowns, bench press, etc. Then, am not a lady. Maybe focusing on individual muscles helps with definition?


  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Great thread. For the most part, being new, I focus on weight routines that work combinations of muscles, such as leg press, lunges, lat pulldowns, bench press, etc. Then, am not a lady. Maybe focusing on individual muscles helps with definition?



    Our musculoskeletal systems aren't dissimilar. Compound exercises which mimic natural motion are the best for everyone, regardless of sex.
  • InTheRightLane
    I second the body pump suggestion. But make sure to go HEAVY. I've seen some women in the class who still do squats with 5 lbs on each side for months on end. If you consistently up your weights you will get stronger and more defined. If I had the discipline, I'd make a free weights (nonmachine) routine. For now, I find the Group X atmosphere very motivating.
  • valz2000
    valz2000 Posts: 78 Member
    Just started New Rules of Lifting for Women ... and I love it... I feel so much better and have more energy... just make sure you read the book and don't just flip to the exercise program.
  • kgagnon7779
    kgagnon7779 Posts: 216
    Just started New Rules of Lifting for Women ... and I love it... I feel so much better and have more energy... just make sure you read the book and don't just flip to the exercise program.
    I agree - I'm just getting into it, but there is so much interesting information about our bodies, muscles, dieting, etc. He debunks a lot of stuff and it really makes a lot of sense so far.