Middle age got me!

Hello, I'm new on here, starting my account yesterday. I actually downloaded the app a few months ago, but hadn't gotten started until I saw one of my friends post on Facebook that she used this app to get back down to a size 6!!! So, I promptly went and opened the app! :)

I am nearing the big 4-0 and need to get in shape and eat better. I want to change the way I look at food and exercise, permanently if possible.

My goal is to lose 20 pounds, which would put me at the very top of the range for my height. I am 5'2".

I am looking for positive minded individuals who can offer helpful tips on how to moderate serving sizes, fit exercise into a hectic lifestyle, etc. to be my fitness pals! Thanks in advance, and I look forward to this journey with you!


  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    Great site, great support, you will do fine, by the way, the new middle age is 60, so you have lots of time to look hot once you are done/ :wink:
  • joyanne72
    joyanne72 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks! That makes me feel better! Looking at my dad, I believe it too! He is very active and healthy at 64, and I'd love to be in his shape even now.