Excited to get (re)started!!!

Hey! My name is Autumn. I am 26 yrs old from Louisville, KY.

I was overweight all through childhood, and took control of my health when I was in college. Over the past couple of years, I have lost 45 lbs. I joined this site to help me get rid of the last 30 lbs!!!

Thanks for the view...

We can do it!!!!


  • CraigIW
    CraigIW Posts: 176
    Hi, welcome to the site. I'm sure you'll settle in well, and your past experience could be of benefit to others.
  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    Great job on the work you have already done! And welcome to MFP! This site will definitely help you achieve your goals! Feel free to add me as a buddy if you would like!!!