Words of wisdom for a newly starting cyclist??

im training for a 50 mile cycle ride in August, and im wondering if anyone has some words of wisdom for me....im up to 31 miles now. thanks


  • cymills
    cymills Posts: 133 Member
    T.I.S.!! Time in saddle ( aka - T.I.S) LOL!
    Slow and steady ...& consistent.
    My husband and I did MS150 with 3 months of training. You should be just fine...good for you!!!
  • javaruck
    javaruck Posts: 47 Member
    If your already up to 31 miles, completing your 50 mile ride is a done deal. The best advice I have is to invest in a pair of really good cycling shorts. I find that once my mileage goes over 30, my biggest issue is a sore bottom.

    Good luck and enjoy the ride!
  • hphurley
    hphurley Posts: 14 Member
    3 tips from a seasoned commuter:
    1) pump your tires at least once a week to avoid flats. trust me. i had too many last year.
    2) when going up hills, bike with your legs, not your arms (so you don't strain your back/neck).
    3) make sure your seat height is appropriate to maximize speed with as little effort as possible (the higher the better, but too high and you'll hurt yourself, so be careful or consult an expert).
  • rgutie1
    rgutie1 Posts: 84 Member
    Comfy seat and good bike fit.

    You always have to work for your legs to be able to make the trip but you don't want to have to worry if you butt, back, shoulders, and arms can make it.
  • Slinkybaz
    Slinkybaz Posts: 312 Member
    I've got no advice but good luck with the bike ride girl. You're seriously rocking it doing 30 miles girl.
  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    Get a good seat, have the seat height adjusted properly, wear good cycling shorts, and use some kind of butt butter. Will help you avoid the sore butt...
  • Good cycling shorts + Body Glide.