Looking for Support from others that are or have been in my

I am new and looking for a group of people I can relate to most. I have 150+ to loose. I am not digging on those that need to loose less than 100 pounds it is just that I need people that can relate.

For those in the same boat. What has worked? What has been your biggest inspiration?

Thanks again.


  • LessMe2B
    LessMe2B Posts: 316
    I began with 100# to lose, and am down to 69# to lose, feel free to add me if you choose.
  • keljo05
    keljo05 Posts: 173
    When I started a year ago I had 157+lbs to lose. I am now down 71lbs and have done so with good ole fashioned common sense and patience, lol.

    I didn't consciously start.. just happened to notice I was loosing weight after we moved to a new home. I then started paying attention to portions and slowly made healthier choices. For a while I actually had smaller meals during the day and a normal dinner with hubby and ds at night.

    after finding MFP I really got good at tracking calories, bought a food scale and continued with smaller, smarter choices. I then added exercise in.

    As I explain it to people I didn't go on a diet. I changed my lifestyle and am always looking for new fun ways to incorporate favorites into my life. I don't deny myself anything.. i just change how much or how often and make sure it will fit into my calorie allotment for the day.

    take it one day at a time, one change at a time and never get defeated by missteps. Just start again even if its mid day.

  • InsaneMontae
    InsaneMontae Posts: 108 Member
    Hey hows it going my name is montae i started at a weight of 360 and now down to 297 and still have like 40-more to loose feel free to add me as a friend. what has worked for me is p90x/insanity/shakeology



  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    It is really hard to get motivated when you have that much weight to loose. I am going for 100 and sometimes it feels like it might as well be 1000. My main inspiration are my fiance and ...myself! I know already what it feels like to be overweight and unhappy I am desperate to know what it is like to be thin and healthier than I have ever been. It kills me at times, I broke down and cried today because I felt like I was working so hard with little to show for it but, you have to keep going even if it's the slowest pace imaginable. Long road ahead but we can help. Add me if you like and there are also a lot of forums dedicated to woman who need to loose 100 pounds or more just use the search bar in the community section :) Good luck!
  • rachellepilcher
    I am 37lbs down in my quest to lose 120-140lbs. Things that have helped me are: upping water intake, lowering sodium intake, eating less processed foods, eating enough calories (most days), and cardio...walking(mostly), biking, mowing lawn, and occasionally other cardio. You can add me if you want.
  • CassieBinTC
    CassieBinTC Posts: 59 Member
    Thank you everyone. Before my pregnancy I was at 331. I was very disappointed in myself when I learned I was almost at that weight again.

    I know I have no one to blame but myself. But I am happy to be up on the horse again.