Sweat a lot



  • dointime
    dointime Posts: 103 Member
    I sweat a lot, and pretty easily too. I get very embarrassed by it, because I don't even have to exert myself very much and I start sweating. I know it's not just me though, my mom said my dad used to sweat a lot (thanks, Dad!) and both of my sons sweat a lot. One of the little girls in my son's preschool class even commented on how sweaty he is! I feel your sweaty pain!
  • northstar699
    northstar699 Posts: 99 Member
    I sweat like crazy when I work out. I'm covered in sweat after about 10 minutes of cardio. Meanwhile, my boyfriend NEVER sweats so I feel twice as disgusting. As an added bonus, I turn the worst shade of red ever. It looks like I'm about to have a stroke. Regardless, now that I'm feeling better about my body I get kind of proud of my sweat. It makes me feel like I'm earning a healthy body. Rock them sweaty pits!!
  • vladikavkaz
    vladikavkaz Posts: 137 Member
    I don't mind the sweating whilst exercising, it's the continued sweating after I've stopped. It can continue up to an hour after I've finished a run. And that's after a cold shower for fifteen minutes.
    It seems to be getting worse the fitter I'm getting as well.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    Even my eyebrows and fingers sweat!!! And, I'm at my goal weight. Fat or not, I am a sweater. It's just your body's way of regulating its temperature, cooling itself down. Still, it makes me feel like I'm getting a killer workout!!
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I on the other hand with I could sweat! At the gym everyone else is sweating, but not me. I'm working hard, losing weight, killing myself on the machines...no sweat. Everyone is different I suppose. :)

    Same here! Everyone else is sweating like pigs & dripping everywhere (esp the guys)....I'm cool as a cuke....yet I'm working my butt off. Perhaps I need to work it a bit more.....

    Even did circuits the other day following in one bloke's sweat.....:grumble:

    Sue :smile: x
  • caligirl2802
    caligirl2802 Posts: 232 Member
    I don't mind the sweating whilst exercising, it's the continued sweating after I've stopped. It can continue up to an hour after I've finished a run. And that's after a cold shower for fifteen minutes.
    It seems to be getting worse the fitter I'm getting as well.

    I've noticed that too....it seems that the fitter I seem to be getting the more I sweat.

    When I do my cardio I have to plan what I'm going to wear and specifically bear in mind the amount that I sweat so that I don't wear something that will show it too badly, because when I'm done running everything I'm wearing is soaked through!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm one of those people who leaves puddles around the machines, yes. Always have been.

    I really feel bad when people walk by my treadmill if I'm running that day, as they are no doubt getting my sweat on them from my drippy, swinging arms. :(
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    Does anyone else have a problem with sweating a lot? I have always had this problem and honestly can't remember if I had it when I was thin (so many years ago). But to be honest, it is almost embarrassing. I look around in the gym and it seems like I am the only one soaked. I don't want it to intimidate me from going to the gym and I when I go to the gym, I want to work out hard and not worry about it.

    Don't "sweat it"!!! I sweat just standing still. Though I am on the large side!
  • Bullly
    Bullly Posts: 136 Member
    BTW. Sweating is actually good for you!
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    I also sweat TONS. It's probably just genetics (my dad and my mom drip sweat too). I don't mind sweating at the gym as long as it doesn't smell- and to avoid smell I wash regularly. If I find I'm still in a stinky place I wash with antibacterial soap (kills the smell causing germs) and I'm a sweaty, smell-less girl. That's enough for me :)
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    embarrassing? That's an accomplishment. You earned that sweat. That's what you're there to do. You should be prideful about it! You exerted that much more effort!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I sweat the same way. It ends up looking like I showered in my clothes.

    OMG! Me too!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I don't mind the sweating whilst exercising, it's the continued sweating after I've stopped. It can continue up to an hour after I've finished a run. And that's after a cold shower for fifteen minutes.
    It seems to be getting worse the fitter I'm getting as well.

    Your not the only one.

    I've always been like this. I moved furniture when I was younger, I had to bring two shirts, because first shirt was always soaked.

    After playing hockey, I would have a shower, and like you 15 mins later I will still be sweating.
    Just the way it is.
  • I sweat whenever I do ANYTHING. At shows, I often come dressed in my rags, because once I bring my amp and guitars in, accessories, set them up, settle in, I have sweat like I just ran a few miles. Dead serious. It's miserable sometimes, because I sweat when I'm not supposed to. I can sweat in an air conditioned room! Some of it is because I'm overweight and some of it is because the south is the worst place ever for humidity, lol. I often bring just a cup FULL of ice with me to try and keep my body cool.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    OMG! I sweat profusely! No glistening here. I sweat more than some men, I think. Even when I'm at the skating rink. I'm working just as hard as the other skaters in the session. Yet I'm the only one pouring buckets of sweat. I bring a towel to wipe off (and I usually use my gloves, too, to wipe away the sweat). When I get really working hard, my head even starts to steam. My hair is soaked yet the cold air causes steam to rise from my head. Oh well. Not much I can do about it.
  • Kagard11
    Kagard11 Posts: 396 Member
    I don't necessarily sweat a lot, but what I do sweat stinks!!!!!!!! I have to change deodorants every few weeks! Sheesh!
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I also sweat a lot. I just let people assume it's because I'm working harder than they are.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    I don't necessarily sweat a lot, but what I do sweat stinks!!!!!!!! I have to change deodorants every few weeks! Sheesh!

    Just something that I would mention because I wasn't aware.
    Deodorant doesn't last 8 hours with me. I start smelling BO on myself later in the day.

    Then I got explained the difference between deodorant and antiperspirants.
    I know a male friend I sometimes see, who I know uses deodorant because in the evenings he smells. The next time I see him in a private setting, I will let him know about antiperspirants.

    For the men.
    I use an Gilette triple action and love it. It has antiperspirants with deodorant.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    What's the phrase? Sweat is fat crying?

    I sweat when I run, I call it my 'dazzle' it's like the Tw*l*ght vampires but not lame like their glittered up selves.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I sweat like a freaking pig no matter what I do.. and it's disgusting to me.

    When ever I see my trainer, I'm like a freaking puddle by the end of our session while all the other girls with their trainers are barely spouting anything.... makes me feel like I'm working harder, but still.. :huh:
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