Turbo Fire anyone?!?

I just bought the Turbo Fire set and hoping I don't kill myself when I start it!! lol Has anyone used it and how has their experience been??


  • timeforme23
    timeforme23 Posts: 461
    Its hard at first. I wondered wtf I got myself into lol. Stick with it though, before you know youll have all the moves down and be doing great. Dont forget to take measurements!
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    I looked forward to it. I usually get bored REALLY fast, but this actually lasted a few weeks. Nothing ever lasts me a few weeks,except running. I do it sometimes still. It really helped with overall everything and you'll be sweating BUCKETS without even noticing.
  • SpaceMarkus
    SpaceMarkus Posts: 651
    Took me a month to really get it, and now I'm a Turbo Kick Instructor. Do "New to Class" and you'll be fine!
  • SuperMoniMonk
    SuperMoniMonk Posts: 467 Member
    Love it ! Push through it , I get confused at times but after a while whenever a song comes on you automatically know what to do ...just be pacient you'll get it . Once you got the routines down you burns will be better and you'll enjoy it a lot more :happy:

    I'm on Week 3 =)
  • turbogirl4christ
    I love it! I've been doing it since January! The best advice I can give you is dont give up! The moves can be a little frustrating at first but once you've done the videos a few times you'll get the hang of it! I definitely recommend doing the "new to class" options on the videos at first!! Good Luck!!
  • CanuckLove
    CanuckLove Posts: 673 Member
    Is there any strength training in Turbo fire or is it all just cardio?
  • elsham
    elsham Posts: 549 Member
    Is there any strength training in Turbo fire or is it all just cardio?

    There's strength training w/ resistance bands. If you follow the schedule she has days scheduled in to do upper/lower/abs/whatever. I like those b/c they're shorter, but don't b/c it's a bit more boring. I get so into her PUMP IT UP YOU'RE NOT TIRED KEEP MOVING thing that the strength training just doesn't compare.
  • BHealthyBeHappy
    BHealthyBeHappy Posts: 19 Member
    I just finished 20 weeks work out of turbo fire last week. I love it. Charlene motivated me when I felt not able to do anymore.
    Tips: Learn "new to class" to learn the steps when you start the video, be careful for jumping part, wear knees braces to avoid hurting if necessary, follow the food guide, do the 5 days inferno plan, and I heard that Shakelogy drink help a lot. Have fun and don't give up.