Foods I said "No!" to today!



  • SamiSamiBoBlammy
    SamiSamiBoBlammy Posts: 868 Member
    So far I've said no to the vending machine.
    The Pepsi and Reese's Peanut Butter cups are still calling my name...
  • SarahofTwins
    SarahofTwins Posts: 1,169 Member
    I said no to a Big Mac...and whatever else was on the McDonalds menu. Sounds gross I know but that use to be my downfall back when I had gained so much weight.
  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    LOL!!! Jesus, bless the Skinny Cow Creators!!! If it wasn't for them I'd totally miss out on ice cream!!

    I recently saw these in my local service station, but I didn't stop to check them out... are they "not too bad" for you???
  • bluevwgurl
    bluevwgurl Posts: 220 Member
    I said no to ~almost~ an entire "pot luck" luncheon at work. I planned ahead, packed my lunch and stuck to it. I was pretty proud of myself. Not completely 'no',(had a scoop of baked beans) but at least i didnt come home feeling sick like usual after these things!
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    I said NO to McDonalds...Just got a diet pop instead and waited to eat until I got home :)
  • AJay513
    AJay513 Posts: 187
    LOL!!! Jesus, bless the Skinny Cow Creators!!! If it wasn't for them I'd totally miss out on ice cream!!

    I recently saw these in my local service station, but I didn't stop to check them out... are they "not too bad" for you???

    They are AMAZING :)

    I love the Cookies n Cream Truffle Bars
    110 calories, 2.5 fat, carbs are high of course since its dairy

    But as for ice cream: I am also a BIG fan of McDonald's ice cream cones...150 calories and 3.5 fat...Not too shabby!
  • tathrel
    tathrel Posts: 3
    Lately Im saying no to alot, my husband thinks im crazy because I take my own food everywhere
    we go. But I have to loose this weight so no will be everyday, alot. But Im already seeing such a
    big difference in weight and inches, its a great motivator!! Lets all keep saying NO!!
  • ccmulder5
    ccmulder5 Posts: 75 Member
    i love this thread!! yesterday .. while i did NOT say no to the ice cream / hot fudge / carmel sauce / whipped cream / nuts.. i did say NO to eating the sugar cone bowl that it was in.. (Does that count??)
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    Today I said no to checking to see if the new cupcake place Gigi's was opened yet.