WTF did I just do? :(

Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
I get home and my husband brought me a piece of double cream lemon pie.I am not really big fan of sweets but I took a bite. Then another. No pie left...500 calories In my body in mere minutes. I have been so good all week! Ugh! I always have such HIGH self control and USUALLY I can have just one bite. I really needed an exercise break today because I have been on it everyday this week but now my pie eating *kitten* is going to be working up a sweat and working off that delicious lemon pie!

Wow! I feel better by confessing :)


  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    life happens. Dont step on the scale tomorrow. Do your day like normal and keep going!
  • maryloo2011
    maryloo2011 Posts: 446
    Don't beat yourself up too much... tomorrow is a brand new day :o)
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    It's ok! One day really isn't going to do much damage. Sometimes giving in to a craving is necessary, and now you'll be good for a while.

    =) Cheer up!
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    One day won't make much difference and the stress of not having it would probably be worst for your body then the extra calories you've got. Even if you went over your daily allowance you can always compensate tomorrow with some extra exercise.
    That's what I do on my "cheat days".

    Savor the moment!!
  • ajanmillie
    ajanmillie Posts: 241 Member
    aw, don't feel bad. We all do that sometimes. But at least you were aware of what you did and you will do better tommorow.
  • BIG_Lew
    BIG_Lew Posts: 513 Member
    Its ok to treat yourself every once in a while.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I can relate.

    You are human like the rest of us. Stuff like that will happen.

    Tomorrow is a new day.
  • AudgePaudge
    AudgePaudge Posts: 537 Member
    Oh my gosh, I know how you feel!! I literally just snarfed what was left of my bbq kettle chips...I'm guessing about 300 cals! I got emotional and needed comfort food, here lately it has been really hard to have control!!
  • jolieblossom
    You are okay girl, its not an everyday thing so don't be too worried. If you are too strict with yourself all the time you will break eventually and have something worse, and more of it. So savor that yummy pie,put it behind you and remember to take breathers every one in a while from the fitness and diet routine.:)
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    Here's proof husbands make you fat!!! He didn't make me eat the pie but come on! It would be like putting a steak on the floor next to a dog and walking away.....:)
  • Krae79
    Krae79 Posts: 49
    Don't beat yourself up. We all have to splurge once in a while. The key is getting back on track! :happy:
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    Here's proof husbands make you fat!!! He didn't make me eat the pie but come on! It would be like putting a steak on the floor next to a dog and walking away.....:)

    Make sure you drag him for a run tomorrow... he may not bring you pie EVER again though!!! :tongue:
  • nurse_carolyn
    My rule has always been that if "I don't even take the first bite I am good but as soon as I take one's all over from here."
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    Its ok to treat yourself every once in a while.

    I agree! But that wasn't a treat! A treat is a Starbucks or a bagel for me! Okay enough of my little pity party, I Gotz me 5 miles to run :)
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Eh it's only 500 cals. Won't make a difference in the long run.
  • cathedralite22
    I agree!! Ask for his support and to help you achieve your goal.
  • lindsay6694
    lindsay6694 Posts: 182
    well this happens to everyone...dont beat yourself up over it....just work out a little harder tomorrow and add on like 10/15 more minutes. i do this when i slip up :)
  • Sweetlux
    Sweetlux Posts: 222 Member
    One more thing....I think the real reason I am upset is because I feel like I wasn't in control. I could care less about the calories.
  • abeautifulvoice
    Tomorrow is a new day!!
  • JeremiahStone
    JeremiahStone Posts: 682 Member
    Everyone falls, but not everyone gets back up. You got this, keep fighting! :)