Belly fat cure... Despite popular opinion



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It's smart to watch your sugar intake INCLUDING fruits. It's a VERY unpopular fact but it IS that: fact.

    What is the source of this fact? I know for a fact that you can be perfectly healthy and no eat fruit. I went years without eating fruit simply because I prefer the taste of vegetables to fruit so I tend to eat those when I get hungry and I got tired of throwing out rotten fruit. I eat it occasionally now because our company provides it free as part of a wellness program, and I'm not one to pass up healthy free food.

    And fruit IS healthy food. I believe that to be fact. An apple a day ...
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    anything that creates a calorie deficit will work
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I was reading Parent's magazine at the doctor's the other day, and there was an article about kids' nutrition. But I think this applies to adults too: It quoted a nutritionist who said that natural sugar in things like fruits (and milk, too) are okay because the food that they occur in naturally also has chemicals that tells the body what to do with the sugar.
    Just thought it was interesting.
  • meandjorge
    meandjorge Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am new to MFP and was hoping to find an active Belly Fat Cure group on here! I have actually lost all my weight (53 lbs) on the BFC and an in maintenance. I write a blog about the plan and have been living by it for over two years now. I think MFP is a great tool for Jorge's plan and tracking your S/C Values (sugar and carbs). :wink:
  • gorgeouss9
    Have you tried the MUFA diet? I did it a few years ago and it worked! Its very simple and easy to follow.. you eat normal and just have one serving of a MUFA w/ or after your meal. Give it a try! And, if you aren't doing so already, eat yogurt the very last thing at night, a few hrs before going to bed.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    What is MUFA?
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    Never mind....
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I've never heard of that diet....but I cut out carbs and sugars after doing research for hypothyroidism info...and my belly was the first to go!
  • pricer15
    pricer15 Posts: 34 Member
    I just started the BFC this week. I had no idea I was eating so much sugar! My downfall may be that I want more fruit than I can "afford" I love your blog (meandjorge), I found it when I was searching for a BFC community. As a newbie, I need a place to go to find food ideas, planning tips, and encouragement by others doing the same thing. I was a bit surprised that Jorge didn't have such a resource on his web site. There is a group on this site for BFC support

    Here is a link to the BFC group here.

    Kinda small, but hope to see you there.

    Here are a couple of links with more info on groups:
  • Tupelo64
    Tupelo64 Posts: 36 Member
    I am to new to the Belly Fat Cure book, as I just began reading it this week. My fruit has always been my candy.. as I grew up on an orchard.

    Thank you for the links.. I am open to friends on the BFC.. I am a newbie to this.. and still reading and learning..
  • crunchybubblez
    crunchybubblez Posts: 387 Member
    Personal opinion... not a good idea.
    You need some sugar in your diet or you'll crash.
    If you want to cut back, do. Have 1-3 fruits before your day is 2/3 over.
    And do not eat fruit as a desert. It's best to eat on an empty stomach at least 10 minutes before you
    eat other foods. If not it will sit on top of your food and start to ferment.
    Hope that helps. :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm leery of a diet that asks you to cut out all fruit. (Or maybe I misunderstood and it's just some fruits?) My mom tried a no-fruit diet years ago with our family because it was supposed to help with my brothers ADHD. It made us all miserable. We got sick more that winter and spring than ever before, too. When we gave it up, we gorged on fresh in-season fruit and felt so much better! (And it did nothing for his hyperactivity).
    Fruits have lots of nutrients. A lot of them are "phytochemicals" and haven't all been isolated, so you can't just take a multivitamin to completely compensate (a lot of them are related to the chemicals that give them their different colors). It may be possible to substitute veggies and get most of these nutrients, so it might work for you, but be careful. And if you find yourself craving fruits (or even sweets - which may really be craving fruit) that's probably a sign that it's not a great thing anymore.

    Just my opinion...
    Yep - any diet restricting fruits?

    That's totally bogus and unhealthy.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I agree with the concept. I am reading the Primal Blueprint which says to limit your carbs to less than 150g a day and that does work. It also says to eat the lower glycemic fruit but high glycemic fruit is ok in small amounts. They say to eliminate all grains. I modify it to still eat grains but make sure that I come in under the 150g a day and I am still losing weight so it works. I don't even count calories anymore only carbs.

    I have never eaten 150g of carb a day, I never eat fruit.
  • LuciaLongIsland
    LuciaLongIsland Posts: 815 Member
    I'm leery of a diet that asks you to cut out all fruit. (Or maybe I misunderstood and it's just some fruits?) My mom tried a no-fruit diet years ago with our family because it was supposed to help with my brothers ADHD. It made us all miserable. We got sick more that winter and spring than ever before, too. When we gave it up, we gorged on fresh in-season fruit and felt so much better! (And it did nothing for his hyperactivity).
    Fruits have lots of nutrients. A lot of them are "phytochemicals" and haven't all been isolated, so you can't just take a multivitamin to completely compensate (a lot of them are related to the chemicals that give them their different colors). It may be possible to substitute veggies and get most of these nutrients, so it might work for you, but be careful. And if you find yourself craving fruits (or even sweets - which may really be craving fruit) that's probably a sign that it's not a great thing anymore.

    Just my opinion...
    Yep - any diet restricting fruits?

    That's totally bogus and unhealthy.

    I have never eaten a lot of fruit. I dont like it.
  • Tupelo64
    Tupelo64 Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you everyone.. after much research, I was goint to limit my fruit but not completely cut it out. I would rather go without my wine than my berries :) I did not know about eating fruit on an empty stomache.. I have so much to learn.. and the nutrition world can be a bit overwhelming!

    I did the South Beach diet a few years ago and it really helped rid me of my belly fat as well.. Honestly I think I just need to exercise regulary and eat healthy and in moderation.. or at least that is what I hope.. for me being a veteran.. finding a plan to follow seemed to make me more disciplined.

    I love this site and this community. Thank you again Gucceegrl and Maximallife and Itmatago and Sunrise 611
  • auctoritas
    I eat no fruit because I can get everything a fruit can give me except better because it's without sugar from leafy greens and things like broccoli and cauliflower. I eat <20g carbs a day, and >60% of my calories come from fats. I don't crash because I don't have blood sugar spikes associated with rises and drops from sugar consumption.

    Eating healthy is very subjective. Obviously eat sustainably, but I find low-carbing plenty sustainable. I like the food I eat (no matter what anyone says about how horrible cutting out a whole macronutrient is) and when I eat carbs I get sick and bloated.
  • rebeccaannseitz
    I have done BFC off and on since July. It has really changed my body for the better. Down to a size 8 and loving it. I love all fruits too much to stick with it religiously though. It has changed the way I read labels and I think that has been key. Switching to almond milk in my coffee alone has probably been the best change. I think it is good to try for a month or two, but after that add back normal fruits. It can be a "low sugar/carb -high fat/salt" diet if you are not careful. But with the right choices it can really work and be healthy!