Vacation Ideas and Support

Next week I'm headed on a two week family vacation with my side of the family. I love my family but there is ALWAYS junk food around and we tend to show our love through cooking and eating. I just looked over the menus and what is planned is not compatible with healthy eating. There's also an entire cupboard in the cabin where we're going dedicated to candy.

I'm finally back to a weight where I feel comfortable (I still have a way to go but at least my clothes fit and look good) and I can not afford to backslide.

Advice, suggestions?


  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    I just came back from a 2 week vacation but the difference was that there was plenty of fruit to sustain the sugary needs, my family's weakness is chocolate so we agreed to not stockpile. We walked alot so we burned calories that way. Maybe you can do the same. Dedicate a shelf just for fruit and be sure to walk or do some kind of exercise while you're gone! Most likely, everyone won't do exactly what you do. You've got to do it for yourself! It's going to be kind of hard I'm sure but in the end you'll be SO glad you made the right choices that affect your long term results :smile:
  • anamikaraks
    anamikaraks Posts: 59 Member
    It can be the hardest thing in the world to tell someone you can't eat the food that they are offering you out of love. I am lucky because I have a built in health reason, but before that I had to practice saying "Oh thanks, but I am saving room for XXXXX" and "Thank you so much for thinking of me, but I am OK right now." My second choice was taking a few bites and getting over the clean your plate habit by putting the rest in the trash RIGHT AWAY. Maybe take some guilt free snacks for yourself and keep them in your bags. When everyone else goes to the cupboard you can go get your own snacks. Wishing you the best, and hoping that you can enjoy the vacation despite the difficulty.