Stronger Better Faster Nov 3

Good morning,
I stepped on the scale for my weekly weigh in and I lost another 2 pounds! I am back in the 140's!!! I can't believe what a difference clean eating makes! Some of you are probably like DUH! I didn't think I ate really bad, but I guess I did. Either that, or there are foods that are holding me back. Like wheat or sugar (in any form) etc. And what's weird is that I am not craving them as badly as I thought I would! Maybe I really only crave those thing during that time of the month. I could be getting ahead of myself, but I'm so excited! That's 4.5 pounds in a week! (I peeked on Wednesday.) I'm not starving myself either. I overate a little yesterday. I guess it's just the types of foods I'm eating.
Today is more healthy eating, staying in calories, drinking water, push ups, Shred (if my sick boy will allow it), and working on Alex's bed.
Alex's fever got up to 102.2. We're calling the doc today since he still has no other symptoms. Thanks for your prayers!
Happy exercising!


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Good morning,
    I stepped on the scale for my weekly weigh in and I lost another 2 pounds! I am back in the 140's!!! I can't believe what a difference clean eating makes! Some of you are probably like DUH! I didn't think I ate really bad, but I guess I did. Either that, or there are foods that are holding me back. Like wheat or sugar (in any form) etc. And what's weird is that I am not craving them as badly as I thought I would! Maybe I really only crave those thing during that time of the month. I could be getting ahead of myself, but I'm so excited! That's 4.5 pounds in a week! (I peeked on Wednesday.) I'm not starving myself either. I overate a little yesterday. I guess it's just the types of foods I'm eating.
    Today is more healthy eating, staying in calories, drinking water, push ups, Shred (if my sick boy will allow it), and working on Alex's bed.
    Alex's fever got up to 102.2. We're calling the doc today since he still has no other symptoms. Thanks for your prayers!
    Happy exercising!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I'm feeling a little stuffed up this morning, might just be which kitties slept over my face last night.

    Congrats on all the weight loss y'all.

    Yesterday I went for a 90 minute bike ride and did the first day of the first week of push ups. Looks like it gets hard quickly and I can see why a lot of people need to redo weeks. I printed out the next four weeks, so I can have it on the counter. I can't decide if I'm still going to try to do weights 2x a week or just do push ups and weights once a week.

    Today is yoga, bike ride, and walk.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Congratulations MM on your weight loss!!:flowerforyou: Way to go girl!!:drinker: :drinker:

    Today is back to the norm, as I take Sundays off for any structured exercise. So, its a 45 min walk, eating right, drinking all my required (and then some lol) water, my strength training, and my onehundredpushups test that Ive been putting off since last week lol. Also, Im gonna throw in some extra ab exercises just for good measure:happy:

    Hope everyone has a great and healthy day today!

  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    I was awake very early this morning, which I attribute to the time change, so I got out of bed and did day 3 of shredding! My quads are so tight, that I'm just going to workout on the treadmill at the gym today. I was supposed to start the 100 push-up challenge today, but there's no way I can do that on top of shredding, so I'll put that on the back burner for another month.

    I'm looking forward to some yummy veggies for lunch!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hi All,
    GM I was just the opposite, I was scrambling to get to the bus on time. The clock was set right but the alarm was set for when I start driving. Thank Goodness, my friend warmed it up for me. :bigsmile:

    Yea MM on the weight loss! Hope the doc can help out Alex (poor little tyke)

    Hey Noni I walked this morning too. But limited it to 30 minutes. Still working out some soreness in the hip from the puppy pulling me along. I hope to be doing my normal 3 miles soon. But later today I am going to do my yoga dvd my daughter gave me.

    Mary, your cats do that too? I have one that puts one paw out and pats my face till I wake up. He gives me this look like "Wake up dummy, I'm hungry!" Wow you have alot planned out for today, way to go! I have to house clean today.

    My goals today 30 minutes walking, all my waters, salad for lunch, yoga, some house work and a appropriately portioned supper. No eating after supper.
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I had a huuuge headache yesterday so I ended up going to bed at 8. It was nice being able to get 10hrs of sleep! After work today it'll be Chest & Back and Abs. I'm drinking lots of water today and trying to stay away from sodium.

  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    I don't feed them until after my shower, and thus avoid the "wake up, I'm hungry". They get dry food at all times as well.
    They sleep with us, or with me to be more precise. I usually have one under each arm, but sometimes they come and sleep on my pillow and get my allergies going.
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning all!!! Welcome to the new faces :happy:

    So my report on October: as a whole, it sucked! :tongue: I never got my diet back on track, but did stick to my exercise for the majority of each week. I haven't gained/lost so that's good. I guess I'm truly a MFP addict who needs to log my food in order to be held accountable. :blushing:

    My November goals:
    1) break & stay under 150 (still fluctuating around that plateau)
    2) drink my waters (been a BAD girl here)
    3) exercise 5 days/week (coming into a very active couple months and need to allow for a couple days off)
    4) pack lunch 4 days/week (could be huge since what happens most often is buffett lunches)
    5) in bed by midnight 4 days/week (I'm a night owl, so this will be a challenge)

    Rachel, I understand headache, I quit drinking caffeine this weekend and thought I was going to die yesterday. Bed was my remedy too! :flowerforyou:
    Karen, I think that's why our little guy is still in a crib. I dread his hands whacking me while saying "get up mommy!" :laugh: (really it's cause he still fights bed time and won't stay in)
    Mary, are you still mindefully eating this month?
    Melissa, congrats, you've been thorough so much; you deserve it! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day,
    Arianne :happy:
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member

    It's been a while since I've checked in and there have been some BIG changes in my life, so I'm afraid it's going to be a bit longer before I can get back to the regular check-ins. I quit Extreme Home Makeover and took a job with Animal Planet. I leave in a week for Antarctica -- I'll be on a boat for 69 days following a group of activists who are trying to stop the illegal whaling that goes on down there.

    Here's a link if anyone's interested:

    I'm nervous and excited -- it's a whole helluva lot more dangerous than Deadliest Catch because of the human element, and I definitely don't agree with their tactics BUT at the end of the day I'm a storyteller and this battle that is going on at the bottom of the world is fascinating.

    On a more "MFP" note -- the boat is VEGAN so I'm pretty sure I'm going to drop that weight I've been struggling to drop for the past 9 months...

    I'm going to check in during this last week, but if I don't get to all of you, I wish you all the very best with your journeys, and can't wait hear in March how everyone is doing!
  • kjllose
    kjllose Posts: 948 Member
    Hi Wanderinglight, I wish all the best on your journey. It sounds like a very exciting trip and a very long one. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Vegan huh? Good luck, I don't think I'd like to give up my chicken and turkey. I only eat red meat when its my DH's turn to cook. LOL

    Hi Ariannedavis, you have some awesome goals. I like to be up at night too but when you have to get up at 5 am in the winter to warm up the bus, it's hard to stay up and still drive well.:bigsmile:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Sorry Alex is still sick, MM - I hope he feels better soon. Congratulations on the weight loss in any case! :drinker: It's not official until tomorrow, but I saw a lower number today than I've ever seen - by about 2 pounds! I may just have been dehydrated - I didn't drink enough water this weekend. But it was still nice to see!

    My cat (Panda, the one in my avatar pic) used to be incredibly obnoxious about trying to get us out of bed to feed her. Patting the face or ear with her paw, gradually extending the claws ever so slightly, very gently biting - really more like pressing her teeth against whatever skin was exposed (arm, cheek, shoulder), or just making noise - shredding paper, standing up against the door so it would bang. What a pain! Finally we learned to feed her at night, so we all can sleep in.

    GM - you're right, you can't really do the push-up challenge with the required rest as well as all the Shred exercises. I modify the push-up section of the Shred workout to just do plank pose instead.

    Today is pushups (test and probably day 1 of week 6 again), aerobics, project work and going over my benefits options for next year. Could they make health care any more complicated? I've got a PPO, an "Open POS", a CDHP, and an HMO from my company, and a couple of co-insurance things (I forget the term) and a High Deductible plan with HSA from my husband's company. It's practically impossible to figure out the differences, and they all cost more this year than last. :sad: At least we have coverage!

    Anyway. Have a great day, everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Whoops, I started my post and then got distracted before finishing it, and didn't realize that WanderingLight posted in the interim. Hi!!! :tongue: That sounds like an amazing and exciting job. Congrats! Antarctica is 7th on the list of continents I want to visit, but I *DO* want to get there eventually. I bet being vegan in that environment (where everyone else is) will be a whole lot easier than trying to do it on your own, so you may lose weight but I expect your nutrition will be pretty decent. Best of luck to you, and stay safe! :heart:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    WL - have fun and don't get killed by angry whalers or ecoterrorist! Eat lots of nuts to get enough fat. Bring lots of lotion too - which I'm sure you already know, but more important with the vegan diet. Over three months! Wow. At least you'll get to see lots of whales.

    We should all make "When WL returns to the Northern Hemisphere" goals. Here are mine:
    1. To eat when hungry and stop when satisfied - to do this without over thinking it.
    2. To know I no longer need dessert, but will not deny myself anything
    3. To be able to jog for 5 minutes and keep my HR under 165 OR to do another 3.5 hour bike ride

    AD - I'm still eating mindfully and not counting calories. I may have lost a pound, but the important thing is that I haven't gained and I'm eating what I want to. I'm still having a hard time leaving stuff on my plate.

    CP - is an Open POS - an open piece of *kitten*? That's pretty much how I feel about health insurance.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Wow, we are busy exciting people.

    I've been informed that there are over 20 people signed up to come to my colloquium paper tomorrow. (this is considered a huge turnout for such an event) so I'm now officially kind-of-sort-of freaking out about it. This is a big week, as I'm also suffering from election-anxiety and my strike deadline is midnight on Wednesday (I'm just thinking "please no, please no, please no" in that department)

    Today is officially the day I was planning on taking off, but I'm so wound up I'm thinking of going to the gym to do some light cardio before I explode or implode.

    I won't get to you all individually. . .but I hope Alex is alright. That poor little tiger. Also, whoa. . .Wandering. . .you have guts enough for all of us. Have fun, and be safe. Vegan at the pole is quite a commitment.

    Take care of yourselves. :flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    CP - is an Open POS - an open piece of *kitten*? That's pretty much how I feel about health insurance.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    That's what I keep thinking, too. Apparently it stands for "Point of Service". :noway:
    Today is officially the day I was planning on taking off, but I'm so wound up I'm thinking of going to the gym to do some light cardio before I explode or implode.
    Hang in there, Viv! No exploding or imploding allowed. I'm sure your paper will go fine - it's a good sign if people are interested in the topic, right? I hope your union is able to work things out without a strike, or that it is very short-lived if it does end up being necessary. I hear you on the election-anxiety, though... I just hope that we have a clean election and (hopefully) a clear winner by the end of the week. I'll be voting tomorrow! :smile:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    V & MM - I posted a recipe for you guys :flowerforyou:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    gluten free FAIL!

    dinner involved whole wheat pizza and red wine.

    I'm paying special attention to how I'll feel later. . .so far, I feel great. . .but it may not last.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Thanks Mary for the recipe! I will try them out after we test for eggs on our diet!

    We took Alex to the doctor. He woke up from his nap screaming and screaming. The doc didn't know exactly what was wrong but he said his throat was really red. He gave us antibiotics and said he should be feeling better in 24 hours. I sure hope so. It's been rough. I appreciate all your prayers. :smile: