BMI or Body Fat Percentage (lean body mass)

rafor Posts: 78 Member
So i'm getting a little confused because when I calculate my BMI it says mine is 36.3 (down from 43.4) and tells me that my target weight should be 125.3-169.3. However, when I use a body fat percentage calculator that gives me my lean body mass, it tells me my lean body mass is 170. So according to BMI I am supposed to lose more than my lean body mass. Just doesn't make sense.


  • Deb2012
    Deb2012 Posts: 124
    Don't even get me started on BMI! I hate the thing. It is calculated on your weight and height only... it doesn't factor in things like your bone structure. I work in a gym and I always tell our members to look at their body fat %. It's the better indicator. In my opinion don't pay too much attention to your BMI, it's a crock! Hope that helps :) and keep up the great work!
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    dont get me started on BMI!!!
    it is inaccurate
    if someone has lots of muscle they can have a higher BMI which can mean they are said to be overweight. but their body fat will be low - muscle weighs more than fat
    you should go by body fat percentage
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    i wrote the same thing!!!! lol
  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    Don't even get me started on BMI! I hate the thing. It is calculated on your weight and height only... it doesn't factor in things like your bone structure. I work in a gym and I always tell our members to look at their body fat %. It's the better indicator. In my opinion don't pay too much attention to your BMI, it's a crock! Hope that helps :) and keep up the great work!

    I totally agree - BMI=BS!!!

    According to BMI charts, people like UFC fighters and WWE guys are off the charts obese! They only account for height and weight, not how much of you is muscle or fat. You could be a muscular brick sh*thouse, and your BMI will say you're obese. Total BS.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I agree with the above. BMI is about the worst way ever to measure success.

    See that profile picture of me? There's one BMI calculator that I found which incorporated height, weight, and waist measurement....and according to that, my BMI was overweight. Hmmm? Yes, it's true, I have a larger waist measurement than most people my height and weight...but still, my body fat % in that picture was around 20% (measured a couple of different ways, between 18-21% each time).
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    According to BMI Lou Ferigno should be dead LOL.
  • SeanC86
    SeanC86 Posts: 88
    So I just posted something very similar in the "website suggestions" area...

    They BMI calculator on this page is flawed. BMI is difficult to accurately predict, unless you use methods like water displacement. However, the US Army uses a calculator that I'm quite familiar with. Here is a link:

    On the right, click "Body Fat." And then put in your measurements. It's not accurate either, but it's better than the one on this site. Hope it helps.
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I use to calculate body fat %. I've tried various methods and numerous mathematical equations and it's the most accurate one without going to a bodypod for me.
  • Vhovell
    Vhovell Posts: 286
    I'm with everyone else...BMI sucks...i should be half the weight i am just be "ok" BMI. Just ignore it!
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I use to calculate body fat %. I've tried various methods and numerous mathematical equations and it's the most accurate one without going to a bodypod for me.
    How do you know it's most accurate without getting into a bodypod?

    Hmm that is the same calculation that said I was 29% bodyfat (vs the 40-50% that I normally get from calculators that only ask for one measurement).

    No way am I 50% body fat given the density of fat vs of bone/muscle etc ...but 29% seems a little on the low end, because if it's true my highest healthy weight on the BMI scale would give me only a few (no more than 7) lbs of body fat TOTAL, which can't be right.
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    I use to calculate body fat %. I've tried various methods and numerous mathematical equations and it's the most accurate one without going to a bodypod for me.

    Crikey don't know if I did it wrong but using this it reckons I should lose another 50lbs which would leave me at less then 9st...I am a british size 14 just now and if I lose another 50lbs I'll disappear altogether
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    I use to calculate body fat %. I've tried various methods and numerous mathematical equations and it's the most accurate one without going to a bodypod for me.

    Crikey don't know if I did it wrong but using this it reckons I should lose another 50lbs which would leave me at less then 9st...I am a british size 14 just now and if I lose another 50lbs I'll disappear altogether
    Weird... the opposite to me, it thinks I am way healthier than I realistically must be.
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    Right did I do it right> The measurements calculated i was 29.5% bodyfat and I am 172lbs so 172x.29 = 50lbsish doesn't is telling me that is what I have to lose isn;t it or am I doing it totally wrong?
  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    Ah hang on no that would take me to zero fat...that's wrong aint it .....Doh
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I use to calculate body fat %. I've tried various methods and numerous mathematical equations and it's the most accurate one without going to a bodypod for me.
    How do you know it's most accurate without getting into a bodypod?

    Hmm that is the same calculation that said I was 29% bodyfat (vs the 40-50% that I normally get from calculators that only ask for one measurement).

    No way am I 50% body fat given the density of fat vs of bone/muscle etc ...but 29% seems a little on the low end, because if it's true my highest healthy weight on the BMI scale would give me only a few (no more than 7) lbs of body fat TOTAL, which can't be right.

    For me is the key. Might not be for everyone. But I took 60 days of data to compute and for me it's the most accurate for me. I factored in everything I have eaten, exercise, lost etc and using calculations to come up with your brm based on body fat vs lean mass this one is the most accurate. Again for me.

    These calculators are all over the place. I've had them range from 29%-73%. Talk about a margin of error! :bigsmile:
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    BMI and Body Fat % are not the same thing. BMI is weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared, so the unit of measure for it is km/m^2 not %. BMI is easy to calculate. That's why doctors use it, because they can quickly look it up on a chart and don't have to do any extra work. Body Fat % is much more difficult to measure and takes specific training for a more accurate measurement. Calculators online will vary based on the formula used and even with an "accurate" formula are the least accurate way of determining body composition. Here are a couple of links to blog posts I've made on here regarding BMI and Body Fat %. The first one is breaking down the various forms of body fat analysis and includes the most accurate formula for body composition I've found using weight and measurements. (Based on me comparing the results from it and others to actual results of clinical testing on various clients over the past 15 years.) It's the formula from the ACE Personal Trainer Certification. If you have to use measurements to estimate your body fat, I'd recommend it over any online calculator. The second link is an article I wrote for our local paper several years ago that I also posted as a blog on here when I saw this as a common message board post. It is basically comparing BMI, body fat %, and the scale weight as measures of health. Hope they are helpful in explaining the difference for you and helping you find a way that works for you in determining your individual health status.
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member