Going through a lot

Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
This month has been a rough one. I started out going to Chicago for vacation, and we all know how that can be... eating more than we should. Well, luckily I only gained about 2 lbs, which I thought was pretty reasonable. After, vacation, things turned for the worse. I got home and find out my best friend has passed away, 3 days later my closest friend from childhood's fiance passed away. Both were very young and unexpected. I started spiraling into a depression while dealing with all of those emotions. I then had to convince my friend who lost her fiance to get some mental health help, as she was really suffering and threatening to take her own life. She now blames me for being institutionalized as they did not see fit to release her. With all of this weighing down on me, I've still somehow been able to lose those extra 2 lbs I gained in Chicago and have lost 1 additional so far. I was sad that my 10 lb per month goal isn't going to happen this month, but I'd say with everything I have going on, I'm doing pretty well. Tim, my best friend that has passed was completely dedicated to his health and is truely an inspiration for me. Although he's not here in body, I know he's here in spirit cheering me on. I know I can do this, and some of it will be for Timmy.


  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    while a bit on the light side, I saw this article the other day - might be a little help:
    From: http://www.diet-blog.com/11/5_tips_for_keeping_fit_through_difficult_times.php

    5 Tips for Keeping Fit Through Difficult Times
    By Mike Howard on Jul 15, 2011 in Tips and Tools

    Life is full of trials and challenges. Life stresses and struggles can have substantial physical and/or emotional tolls that can make healthy living difficult.

    Here are some ways to navigate through tribulations without your health going to seed.

    Remind yourself of the benefits
    Physical activity is as close to a panacea you can get - helping stave off all kinds of physical ailments. More and more research is revealing emotional and psychological benefits of activity. A constant self-reminder that physical activity will help you cope can reinforce moving when you feel down in the dumps.

    Remind yourself this is something you CAN control
    I would guess that one of hallmarks of stress-reduction is recognizing and accepting what you can't control. On the flip side, your activity and eating are things you can control. When life spirals it can be comforting to know that yes there are things we can control - like choosing to eat well and exercise.

    Culinary therapy
    Cooking - particularly when experimenting with new recipes can be therapeutic and help take your mind of your troubles. Buy or borrow a cookbook or scoop a recipe on-line and see what you can create.

    Walk a dog
    If you're not a dog owner, you can ask a friend to "borrow" Rover for some walks when needed. You'll get a double-dose of joy with animal companionship combined with physical activity.

    Know when the time just isn't right
    This may border on controversial but I'm a believer in not trying to force things too much. After a tragedy for example, the emotional turmoil can relegate healthy living to the back burner. And that's ok. Taking the time to grieve is important. Just get back on track as soon as possible and try not to turn to unhealthy foods as comfort.
  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    That is a tough month! And you are going through a lot! So glad to hear that you are continuing in your efforts. Cause unfortunately things happen, but life does go on. Best wishes on your journey!
  • tjames30
    tjames30 Posts: 229 Member
    Wow, that is alot. Hope that you are feeling better and not down on yourself. All of those things were beyond your control, but I'm sure they took their toll on you. Glad to hear that you are back here and focusing on you and your goals! You can do this!
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    I am so sorry about all of your lose, but good for you! This is truly a test of your willpower, and it seems like you are succeeding. Take it one day at a time and you will succeed and now that you have your friend looking down on you, I know you will do great.

    Remember you were doing what you thought was best for your friend and what was safest and that makes you a good friend, and I am sure that your friend will realize that eventually.

    Good luck with everything, you can do...you are already doing it, add me as a friend if I can help in any way...
  • stc74
    stc74 Posts: 297 Member
    Bless your heart! Focus on the positive, anything you can find. Don't let your friend make you feel bad, you may have saved her life and you did what you had to do as her friend. Stay healthy but really, give yourself a break and don't stress about the weight thing. Sometimes life just really sucks and you have to survive for a while. Don't go backwards on your loss, but maybe give yourself a break until the stress lifts some. Focus on healthy relaxing stuff for a while, not just about calorie burn.

    Keep your friends close to support you too through this.
    Hugs :flowerforyou:
  • paradog
    paradog Posts: 378 Member
    Definitely not a great month indeed, but life does have a way of altering OUR plans. The best we can do is recognize the changes and adapt Change what you can, accept what you can not change. Sounds like you got a good handle on things! My condolences for your loss. It is never easy. Remember you are trying to make yourself better, happy, and everyone wants that for you!

    Keep us posted on your progress and have an excellent day!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You were a good friend. Your friend may not see it now but you helped her more than she knows. Maybe someday she will thank you. You have to concentrate on you now. You can't change anything that happens in life you can only become stronger from the experience.
  • dhmorrow
    dhmorrow Posts: 7
    I'm so sorry to hear about all you've been going through. I once had a very young friend die tragically and know something of how difficult it might be for you. I wish there were more I or any of us could do to make this all better. Your 10 lb goal will come soon enough; just as important as your weight is your mental and emotional health so be sure to give each of these things its proper attention. Two things can be absolutely vital in this regard: Community, and - for me - my faith and God. Keep posting here and/or somewhere else you have community. If you go to church or some other kind of social group, be sure to actually go. It's easy to skip those kinds of things right when you need them most. Allow people to be there for you. Also, now that you are going through this, allow yourself to grow from it and search out people that you might be able to comfort and support. It can be incredibly therapeutic for you and do wonders for others at the same time. Finally, community helps people experience trials and tragedies in a healthy way as opposed to ignoring or denying them. Be sure to allow yourself to experience and face all of this, and again, grow from it, so that you can be stronger, healthier and a future help to others as well.

    You and yours are in our thoughts and prayers.
  • LAD1108
    LAD1108 Posts: 5
    I know what you are going through--my best friend died 9 years ago. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her. In the begining when I thought of her, I would get sad, now when I think of her, all I remember are the good times. I takes time to heal