10 weeks ... 18 lbs to go??

Well I've been using MFP for a couple of months now - on and off I have to admit but definitely trying to stick to using it a minimum of Monday-Friday. It's now under 10 weeks until I head off on my 2 week holiday in Florida - being from sunny Scotland you can imagine how much I'm looking forward to it! But I know I'll be kicking myself if I go away without having at least gotten close to my weight goal. Had started taking part in a boot camp class which i enjoyed but was too sore for 2 days after to do anything! So back to the gym since it's all paid for and even forcing myself out of bed earlier to try to get in a workout before work ... so here goes, I really hope I can do it because I know I'll feel so much healthier and confident with my kit off :)


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    with only 18 lbs to go you should expect to lose between 0.5 and 1 lb/week (set your goals accordingly). when you don't have much to lose you don't want a large caloric deficit or you risk burning muscle not just fat. So in 10 weeks you should be able to lose 5-8 lbs, given your ultimate goal.
  • jemsmf
    jemsmf Posts: 13
    Yeah I'm definitely not thinking of trying to lose all that in the time I have left before hols. Want to do it right so that I maintain it and keep it off. Maybe I'll never be the -18lbs with my body shape etc but just want to get in shape.