Who wants to be a hot mom Group 10



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I found this blog yesterday, and thought you might be interested: www.cleananddelicious.com

    I did my day 8 of 30DS level 3 yesterday. Today is day 9, and then one more day and I am done with the program. And then starting the next program. A group at work are considering training for a 5k run. The 5k run is actually on a day that I can't attend, but I might just train with them.

    I am logging into my journal everyday, drinking 8+ cups of water a day.

    Kim - how are doing with p90x? Seems tough when DH was doing it. I might try that once I feel stronger.
    rkeaton - how often is bootcamp? How is going for you?
    Aimie - hope today is better for you. We CAN do this.
  • kripley1229
    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply...I've had a crazy last 2 days.

    P90X is going pretty well. This is the 3rd time that I've started it. I usually get bored with it and quit. 90 days is a long time to stick with the same program! I'm determined this time to stick it out! It is pretty tough, but it gets" easier" each time I do each workout.

    I've heard good things about 30 day shread. I may try it next. My husband is doing couch 2 5K and we plan on running a 5K in a few weeks. It will be my first. I was jogging back in spring before it got way too hot! I'm hoping to be able to make it just on the P90X endurance.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    30 Day Shred is a good workout for 20 min. You might think it's not a good enough workout if you are used to longer ones. A couple of my friends felt that way. They still felt sore afterward. I finished 30DS. I was all set on doing Brazil Butt Lift, but now I am debating about starting Jillian's 30 days slim down program. I like toning I am getting with the 30DS, so the slim down would continue that. Or do I want something new to change it up. I guess I will decide tomorrow.

    Yay for determination. You are more than 1/3 of the way done with it. Good luck with the 5K.
  • kripley1229
    IT'S WEIGH IN DAY! Post you're weight and I will make an updated chart.Also, I don't have final goals for everyone. If you could also post those. Don't get discouraged if you don't see big changes on the scale! It's only been a week! We can do it!

    Also we never decided on a name. We can go with Mommies in Control if no one has any objections...
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Will weigh in after work today. I kind of fluctuate between 108-113lbs, and I am fine with that range. So I guess I will just make my goal weight 108lbs.
  • MaxandHenrysMom
    MaxandHenrysMom Posts: 59 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I weighed in this morning at 111.5

    My goal is 107lb, though that's pretty arbitrary. IA month ago my Fat % was just under 25; I'd like to get it under 20%. I'm due to be measured in another three weeks, so we'll see where I'm at then.

    I didn't workout this weekend except for some pushups and burpees. I went to bootcamp this morning. I have this class twice a week for an hour. It's the hardest and best thing I've done, and I know I am getting stronger. I had joined a gym in June and was going three times a week and just doing the elliptical and treadmill, but knew I wasn't getting anything out of it. One day one of the trainers came up to me and asked if I wanted to try out the bootcamp class that was going on, so I did. It was crazy, after just five minutes I was hyperventilating and sick. I think I joined the class then just out of sheer embarrassment at how out of shape I was. lol

    I'm glad to hear good things about the 30 Day Shred video; I'm thinking about getting this. Can you skip a day, or does it have to be consecutive. I'm beat after bootcamp; I don't think I could do the video these days, too.

    --Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • kripley1229
    I'm moving the thread to Hot Moms (Closed Group)-Mommies in Control.
