My stomach...

crimiller Posts: 15 Member
edited September 30 in Fitness and Exercise
I need some tips. I've lost weight before, a fair amount of weight even, and my stomach did not get any smaller (or at least it felt that way). This time I am doing my weight loss journey right and incorporating exercise (what a concept, right?).

Can you all pass along some tips for losing that belly fat?? What has worked for you in the past?



  • I used to have a personal trainer a few years ago and he had me do 'planks' alot and how they look, I could explain it but I want you to do it right :) They work your core and strengthen it.

    Good Luck!Keep us Posted!!
  • I would try doing mostly cardio and seeing if that helps. I've been swimming, jump roping, and I'm getting back into running, and my stomach's been slimming down. I also do Body Pump classes at Gold's Gym, which is a weight lifting class that targets your entire body, and I feel like that's helped as well. I would also try adjusting your diet. A few people I know are on a low carb plan, and they say that their stomachs flattened out a lot. Good luck. :)
  • mangirl
    mangirl Posts: 93
    Spot reduction is a myth. I have the same problem, the weight on my stomach is the last to go. People hold fat in different places. Just keep dieting and don't be discouraged!!! Once you get to a low enough body fat % the energy will have to come from some where.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Cardio! You've gotta 'melt' the fat. It's why it's rare to see runners that have any midsection. If you work your abs (with planks, crunches, sit-ups) you'll build the muscle up and you'll look puffy if you don't get rid of the fat that's covering the muscles. I'm still working on my stomach...nothing short of a tummy tuck will fully get mine back to right because my abs split when I was pregnant. Good luck!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    Lots of cardio. I had a trainer that told me that you CANNOT spot reduce. I had some back fat that I desperately wanted to lose. I ran a 50K ultra marathon last Saturday so I was running and training A LOT. I lost 14 pounds (thanks a LOT to this site). My back fat is noticeably reduced due to the fact that I simply lost weight and therefore, lost fat. Ramp up your cardio and eat LOTS of whole, fresh foods. You will have spots that you naturally hold fat and it will take longer to lose in those spots, but you will lose weight if you do these things! :bigsmile:
  • Monkeylost
    Monkeylost Posts: 121 Member
    Swimming!!!!! In my first 2 weeks I lost 3 inches off my waist and the only exercise I do is swim. You use all your muscles, don't pound your joints and burn loads of calories too. Xxxx
  • crimiller
    crimiller Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the tips everyone-!
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