anyone do the same?

so i was curious does anyone just calculate their calaories instead of searching for their food on here.....i dont really worry about sodium or carbs or surgars because i go by a strict 1200 cal diet and what i eat isnt really horrible so i was curious does anyone else just count their cals and then excerice whenever and if so how has it been for you how much weight have you lost? thanks


  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    Not anymore..
    I used to... but decided to actually log for just 2 weeks and see - turns out I was wrong and Over EVERY SINGLE day based on what I "thought" I was eating...
    bought the scale, better measuring spoons and cups and low and behold - I was over on every single meal... Made a HUGE diff to track more accurately - whether you care about EVERY listing or not - It also helped my sodium levels dramatically - found I was eating 4,000 to 6,000 without ever realizing it
  • Nichole90
    Nichole90 Posts: 118
    were you over eating on your calories or other stuff because i write down exactly how many calories im eating or drinking but thats pretty easy cause i only drink water
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Most of the time I just calculate calories. I measure and weigh everything then calculate calories based on serving sizes, and I keep an eye on my protein. I exercise everyday, using a heart rate monitor. I'm losing about 2 to 2.5 pounds a week this way, so it's been working for me. Like you, I feel that my meal choices are good (lean meat, veggies, etc) so I don't really add up the sodium, etc. it's working for me!!
  • Nichole90
    Nichole90 Posts: 118
    Most of the time I just calculate calories. I measure and weigh everything then calculate calories based on serving sizes, and I keep an eye on my protein. I exercise everyday, using a heart rate monitor. I'm losing about 2 to 2.5 pounds a week this way, so it's been working for me. Like you, I feel that my meal choices are good (lean meat, veggies, etc) so I don't really add up the sodium, etc. it's working for me!!
  • Nichole90
    Nichole90 Posts: 118
    Most of the time I just calculate calories. I measure and weigh everything then calculate calories based on serving sizes, and I keep an eye on my protein. I exercise everyday, using a heart rate monitor. I'm losing about 2 to 2.5 pounds a week this way, so it's been working for me. Like you, I feel that my meal choices are good (lean meat, veggies, etc) so I don't really add up the sodium, etc. it's working for me!!