Do you think it's better to workout alone or with someone



  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I like to workout alone. I feel funny when my husband is there. Like he's critiquing me even if he's not saying anything. I guess it depends on the person, i can push myself better alone. I dont like people barking motivation. Well Shaun T can bark motivation at me..that's ok ;)
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    A few months ago I would have said alone...but then I wasn't doing to good on my own either!

    Since we started making working out a family thing, we've done MUCH better. Instead of going to the gym we hit the trails on our bikes, play volleyball in the backyard, etc. When my husband and I can't motivate each other to keep going, our kids motivate us. It's not such a chore when you try to make it fun. And, we've been spending way more quality time with our kids.
  • ardeornellis
    ardeornellis Posts: 198 Member
    I LOVE being active with my family, but my hubby and kiddos can't hang with the intesity of my workouts.. I have to push to burn enough calories... For example..I have a 20 minute run on Friday... That won't be fun for any of us together.. We do love to play outside, go for walks and do active things together though.. And hey....that burns calories too..:)
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I work out alone. I usually work out early in the AM or late at night, so alone is more convenient. I like the me time, which I almost never get. However, I love the company when I'm walking and catch up with one of my friends. I guess the bottome line is to keep working out, alone or in tandem.
  • RedBullLiz
    RedBullLiz Posts: 469 Member
    This is totally a personal preference. I prefer to work out alone because I have no one to compare myself to. I either slow down because they are "worse" than me or injure myself trying to keep up because they are "better" than me. plus I enjoy the alone time.
    I know. I agree.
  • Swimgoddess
    Swimgoddess Posts: 711 Member
    ALONE! Other people can be such a crutch.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    I am much too self conscious to work out with someone. They'll see me panting and sweaty. My boyfriend wants us to go on runs together but I am worried he'll be a way better runner than me, and I won't be able to keep up and end up passing out. I want him to be proud, not disappointed and pitying me.
  • tiffwhit16
    tiffwhit16 Posts: 76
    I am much too self conscious to work out with someone. They'll see me panting and sweaty. My boyfriend wants us to go on runs together but I am worried he'll be a way better runner than me, and I won't be able to keep up and end up passing out. I want him to be proud, not disappointed and pitying me.

    Give him a chance. He may surprise you and be proud just in the fact that you put yourself out there and are trying. My husband is way better at riding bikes than me. I am always the one lagging behind. (When we first started it I couldn't even ride the whole thing. I'd have to stop and walk periodically). But he wasn't disappointed in me. Instead he encouraged me to keep trying and building my endurance. Now, I'm doing much better because he helps to motivate me.

    That said, I used to work out alone and I can understand where everyone is coming from on that. I did enjoy my alone time. I think the main reason I like what we're doing now is because we both need to get in shape and teach our kids good habits. It's really helped me not to give up!
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I go both ways :-) Zumba, hoop dancing, and things like that are definitely more fun with a group, but when it comes to running and yoga I prefer to be alone.