Hi...and Thanks

Hello everyone....my name is Jennifer and I have been using MFP for about 3 weeks now. A friend at work told me about the mobil app, but since I have an old phone I didn't have access to it. But luckily I found the website and it's been wonderful!

I went to the doctor about a month ago and got some distrubing news....I weighed more than I ever had in my life. About a year ago I managed to lose 30 pounds, but gained it all back and then some!! I was not a happy camper!!! So I talked to my doctor about it and he wrote me a prescription for medication to help.

I decided not just to rely on that, because it's really only a short term solution, and when I go off of it, I don't want to gain any of this back....so I decided to track my food here. It's been an amazing experience!

I love the fact I can put in my own recipes and it will figure out the calorie count for me, because I love to cook, but never knew how many calories were in each dish. It's given me the push I needed to find ways to make the food I love and cook better for me.

The first week I lost 2 pounds...not much but I was so excited!!! I don't own a scale as they have been my enemy for the last 20 years....I go back to see the doctor next week to weigh in and am finally looking forward to seeing what the scale says!!! I can already feel the difference in my clothes, and have had a couple of friends tell my face looks thinner!!! GOOD BYE DOUBLE CHINS! HELLO NEW CONFIDENT ME!!


  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Welcome, did he put you on phentermine? I tried it last year, worked for a bit but I couldn't stand be so jittery.
  • christianneq
    Welcome and good luck! I have lost a total of 56 pounds through hard work, diet and exercise except I don't call it a diet. To me, its a lifestyle modification.
  • Ritamas2
    Ritamas2 Posts: 319
    Hi Jennifer
    Welcome and good luck to you as you take this journey! :flowerforyou:
    This is an amazing site for support and motivation.

    Please feel free to add me if you'd like! :smile:
  • Grimlock1030
    Hello new confident you.
  • PaulaJKelly
    Congratulations on a wonderful start to your healthy journey. No matter what the scale says at the appiointment, don't get discouraged. I have been told that inches lost are more important than the weight. Yes, it is a packaged deal but sometimes you will be building muscle and won't see a dramatic difference. Just be true to yourself and "own" whatever calories you consume, etc. I have found the little note box section on the bottom of the food diary quite helpful. If I had emotional eating, I just put that I did in there. It's a way to figure out if certain events, time of day, or ? trigger the overeating. Make sure you get your 8 to 10 (8 oz) glasses of water a day. Eat enough good protein as that helps you not to get so hungry. Good job. I look forward to seeing future posts.
  • IvyGirl1015
    Thank you all! Yes it's the phentermine and luckily I don't get jittery.....Paula, thanks for the info on the note box section, I hadn't seen it yet!

    I know it's going to be a long journey and very difficult at times, but I am determined to finally take control of this!