Bad Week...What should I expect?

Last week I got my wisdom teeth removed so I've haven't really been eating "healthy" foods. To be honest, I've been living off of ice cream and pudding. :embarassed: I could have made healthier choices, but the ice cream felt so good in the healing process and I had pudding in the cupboard already...
I've made sure to stay within my calories, but I have been going over on fat and some days carbs. I'm thinking about not weighing myself till I've been eating healthy for a while because I'm worried about the number. Should I expect to gain weight after this week? I'm fine with maintaining my weight for this week, but gaining... not so much.
Any input would be nice! :smile: Especially people with experience.


  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    If you've stayed within your calories, I'm not sure that you would have gained.... I'd be very curious to know what would happen in this case.

    For your own sanity, I'd suggest holding off weigh in if you feel so inclined. I hope you feel better soon - I've heard wisdom tooth extraction is no fun at all.
  • dosesr4winners20
    yes please let us know. if i can live on ice cream & pudding etc than i shall lol!

    Feel better! <3
  • cartern1
    cartern1 Posts: 270 Member
    expect the worse and when it doesn't happen you won't be dissapointed
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    I would weigh. You never know, the increased fat, along with the mushiness of everything, I am betting you lost a little...
  • rider72
    rider72 Posts: 119
    I wouldn't stress over it. Get back in the groove of your normal healthy eating and exercise and the week of recovery will work itself off. It's all about having more good days than bad.

    As long as you don't go on the all pudding're fine. Yes...stay away from the scale for a couple weeks (not healthy to obsess over that anyway!)
  • Twasney
    Twasney Posts: 186 Member
    I say don't stress...get on the scale, I bet you are suprised!

    God forbid it went up a bit then you just get back on the horse!

    No need to stress out and then stress eat and then actually gain a bunch.

    Hope you are feeling better soon!
  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,043 Member
    You may or may not gain weight. Even if you absolutely LOVE ice cream and pudding, how much could you eat in a day? When my son had his wisdom teeth removed (all 4 at once UGH) he ate mac and cheese, mashed potatoes and slimfast shakes. He loves carbs, but even he couldn't eat that much in a day. He didn't gain weight.
  • caseyla12
    caseyla12 Posts: 8
    It's all about having more good days than bad.

    Good point!
    Thanks everyone! The day before I switch back to healthy food I will weigh in and let you know if I gained, lost or stayed the same. :smile:
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    You'll be fine.

    Its not like you're going to get teeth pulled every other week, this is a temporary thing. If you did gain any weight, it would drop right back off once you return to eatting healthy and getting regular exercise.

    Sometimes it is actually good to take a short break from routine eatting and change it up a little.

    They do make sugar free and fat free pudding so you can keep eatting it later on too :)
  • califigureeight
    I'm being selfish, I want you to weigh in to see if you lost.

    I'm really interested in knowing if the "a calorie is a calorie" theory is true.
  • caseyla12
    caseyla12 Posts: 8
    Well It's been about a week and I lost 1 lb! Right on schedule! I guess I had nothing to worry about...:blushing: