Was 142 now 150????

kappy_hollowell Posts: 399
edited September 30 in Health and Weight Loss
Ok, so Saturday morning when I stepped on the scales, I weighed 142. I did pretty good on my diet that day, exercised for two hours, etc. When I stepped on the scale Sunday, I was 150!!!!! Now, I know this could be a lot of water weight, so I figured by Monday, I'd be back to 142-145 (normal range), but I was STILL at 150!!!! Same yesterday morning and this morning! I could not even get my rings off of my hand this morning, so I know there is still a lot of water weight on me. They are starting to be able to slip off again.

Should I stop drinking diet cokes all together? I drink 1-2 a day. What is going on here? I'm so confused, and this is so frustrating seeing the scale go up then stay the same.

I logged the 150 this morning, just to keep my self accountable. I'm back to square 1.


  • aj_rock
    aj_rock Posts: 390 Member
    My first instinct is that 142-145 isn't your normal range.

    Keep measuring though. Chances are you'll get consistantly between 142 and 150.

    Plus, if you're anything like me, you got drunk Friday night and thus were severely dehydrated waking up saturday morning :P

    I know I cheat like that; weigh myself after drinking a lot a alcohol just because the lost water makes you dip a LOT in weight. :P
  • My first instinct is that 142-145 isn't your normal range.

    Keep measuring though. Chances are you'll get consistantly between 142 and 150.

    Plus, if you're anything like me, you got drunk Friday night and thus were severely dehydrated waking up saturday morning :P

    I know I cheat like that; weigh myself after drinking a lot a alcohol just because the lost water makes you dip a LOT in weight. :P

    Well, I USUALLY do get drunk on Friday nights, but not this time. I was also consistently between 142-145 for 4 days in a row. It was kind of a SV.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I go up about 5 or 6 pounds during that TOM.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    If you're considering cutting out soda, why not try it? It can't hurt, right? But I would suggest that you drink at least 10-12 glasses of plain water a day, not counting any other beverage. A few months ago, I tried cutting out diet soda. Now I can hardly drink a whole can. It may not have been a big hindrance, but it's better for me. I'm certainly not going to preach to people that they should cut out soda. But if you're already considering it, why not?
  • Success41
    Success41 Posts: 44
    There are many reason our weight go up and down espcially after a weekend

    Starting with what you ate and the sodium in take
    for women, we tend to go up and down through out the month

    Advice Keep doing what your doing and check your weight in 3-5 days you will probably be lower then 142. Don't let this take your focus off your goal keep going it will come off!
  • kyenne
    kyenne Posts: 22
    It can also be muscle!! :happy:
  • jagh09
    jagh09 Posts: 555 Member
    Time of the month? Position of the scale? Different clothing? Constipation? Maybe try to just weigh yourself once a week on a set day/time/location.
  • salleem
    salleem Posts: 6 Member
    This happens to me all the time and it always freaks me out (though I wish it were happening at 142....good work). I think the advice to wait a couple of days is good. Keep doing what you're doing. It's obviously already been successful so don't doubt it now. The killer for me is that when the scale jumps 7 lbs I get depressed and stop working.

    Push through it and I agree that you'll be even lower when things stabilize.
  • Thanks, y'all! I will keep doing what I'm doing, and maybe, I'll weigh in on Friday or Saturday to lift my spirits for the weekend. I'm definitely NOT giving in. I'm going to keep on dieting regardless of what the scale says!

    I did notice my husband had moved the scale. That may be one problem. I usually weigh-in naked, so I know it wasn't the close. I'm on a new med too, so maybe that has something to do with it? Or maybe it was eating those sodium coated pretzels last night right before bed. I dont' know.

    Thanks for the advice though!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I stopped drinking so much diet pop and it made my weight go down...
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,422 MFP Moderator
    Even diet sodas have a good amount of soda and a pretzel doesnt help. Look at your sodium content and look to drink more water.

    Also stuff like heat will affect it. Even more so if you have a lot of sodium.
  • I do drink A LOT of water. I drink about a 3-4 liters a day. I only drink diet sodas with lunch and one in the evening, usually before I go to bed. This could also be why I wake up during the night (caffeine). I need to just stick with water. It would probably help my sleep and weight. And sleeping better for 7-8 hours straight can help to lose weight as well.

    Thanks for all the advice.
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    My first guess would be that is PMS related. Cutting out soda wont hurt, it can only bring a positive change.
  • linnea213
    linnea213 Posts: 178 Member
    I went up 2.4lbs since Monday and have been very active swimming and doing the 30 day shred. I did not eat great but keep my calories in range. So I worked out twice today and will increase my water consumption and see what happens. It's so frustrating!!!!
  • Lizmhoughton
    Lizmhoughton Posts: 92 Member
    I have found that my rings sometimes don't fit and I will weigh a lot more at random times, but it usually resolves itself within a few days to a week. I have not looked at your food diary, but I would guess that you need to drink more water and eat more veggies and fruits. This usually happens to me when I'm not eating as much fruit as usual. It should go right back down. I wouldn't drink soda at all and I usually don't drink alcohol because it gets me so dehydrated.

    I think this is happening to you either because you're more or less hydrated than usual. If you're more hydrated then don't worry, you might have extra water weight for a couple weeks and then it will go away once you're body is used to getting the water it needs. The obvious answer if you're dehydrated more than usual is to hydrate yourself. Sometimes I feel like I am skinnier/lighter when I don't drink as much water, but I just have to fight that thought.

    Keep us posted :)
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    It can also be muscle!! :happy:

    No, it really can't. It's impossible to gain muscle mass that fast.
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