I'm diving in

I want to immerse myself in this environment. So a little about myself.

I'm 30, recently married and looking to start a family shortly. I'm sometimes sarcastic, usually witty and a smart@ss on occasion.

I have lost weight in the past and have put it all back on at this point. MFP is amazing and I'd love to become more involved in the community and discussion. I have about 100 pounds to lose, probably more according to BMI but when I was 165 last time I felt and looked terrific. I am still active, but have fallen off since putting back on all this weight. I still gym it up but I think I lack the energy I used to have, might have something to do with this 100 pounds huh?

My problem has always been what I eat. I can work out like a mad woman but if I'm shoveling garbage in my mouth it's not going to make a difference. So, I'm using MFP me keep track and be mindful of my food intake, just what I need.

Feel free to friend me as I'd love to build a support system with like-minded folks, and I'd love to cheer you on too.


  • torsaer
    torsaer Posts: 211 Member

    My problem has always been what I eat. I can work out like a mad woman but if I'm shoveling garbage in my mouth it's not going to make a difference.

    Oh you said it!! I am exactly the same. I used to think that as long as I did enough exercise, I could eat what I liked. Well I was wrong. My weight was creeping up and up even though I was working out like mad. So I came here. Someone here said it's 90% food, and only 10% exercise. Cutting sugar and refined carbs, eating cleaner, with enough protein is the way I have started to change my body (am not perfect, but I really believe it's all about the food!!). Welcome and looking forward to sharing your journey here!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • Cccaroline
    Cccaroline Posts: 196 Member

    My problem has always been what I eat. I can work out like a mad woman but if I'm shoveling garbage in my mouth it's not going to make a difference.

    Oh you said it!! I am exactly the same. I used to think that as long as I did enough exercise, I could eat what I liked. Well I was wrong. My weight was creeping up and up even though I was working out like mad. So I came here. Someone here said it's 90% food, and only 10% exercise. Cutting sugar and refined carbs, eating cleaner, with enough protein is the way I have started to change my body (am not perfect, but I really believe it's all about the food!!). Welcome and looking forward to sharing your journey here!

    I agree. Exercise is important, but your body needs the right quantity, high quality, unprocessed, fresh food to fuel the exercise properly.