Hi - new around here!

Hi everyone,

Well, I've just joined the forum, so I thought I'd say hello! :smile:

I've been struggling with my weight for over three decades, but I think I'm about as heavy now as I've ever been, and I'm really fed-up about it.

Haven't had a proper look through the message boards yet, but I'm hoping to pick up some tips on how best to tackle this problem - and I'm hoping that reading other people's success stories will motivate me.

I live in the UK, and have tried most of the slimming clubs that exist here - they work up to a point, but I always end up giving into temptation at least a couple of times a week :frown: I am thinking of trying a diet that is low in carbs, as I've found this works fairly well in the past - but I really love potatoes, pasta, rice, bread etc! :cry: So I don't know how long I'll be able to stick to it. Really have to do something though.

Would be interested in hearing from any other middle aged mums who feel (or have felt) this way.

Best wishes to you all!


  • GypsyRose25
    GypsyRose25 Posts: 407
    Welcome to MFP! This site is a great information source as well as a motivation tool! And just because you want to lose weight doesn't mean you have to cut out the carbs that you love. Just use moderation!!! It will help you stick to your goals.
  • audiemiller
    Hi there,

    You mentioned all those yummy carbs: potatoes, pasta,etc. Perhaps try limiting the portion you eat of them so that you can still enjoy them. Like eat a hand-size of pasta (a cup?) and then have a side of a lean meat or a high-fiber card like brocolli (sp?) I know I couldn't face life without ever having a bowl of pasta once in awhile!!

    Good luck and welcome!

    Lori :)
    Los Angeles
  • Slimntrim90
    Hello! And welcome to myfitnesspal! I LOVE this site, as it has been the first success I have ever experienced in the area of dieting! You may find that you need to tweak it just a tad here or there, but it will work if you stick to it! If I go over my calories, I just go for a long walk or put in some time on the treadmill to earn back the calories I have over-eaten! Please don't quote me on this, but I have found that if I eat back all of the calories that I have earned through exercise, I don't lose the weight! But I can eat back SOME of the calories, and I do! Good luck on your journey! It may be a long one, but it will be well worth the trek if you stick to it!
  • daniran
    daniran Posts: 233 Member
    Hi There and Welcome to MFP,

    I understand what you're going through. Seems you like all the wrong foods. Maybe I shouldn't say wrong. But you see my problem is moderation. If I like something - I'm off and running with it and moderation is out the door. I'm currently trying to eat more vegetables, fruits and legumes. at least make it the larger portion on the plate. and sticking to the lower calorie meats such as lean turkey, ham and chicken along with much more fish than I'd been eating before.

    I don't know if you've heard of Sensa. You sprinkle it on your food and it helps to curb your appetite. Seems to work a bit. You might give it a try.

    I'm going to send you a friend request. maybe we can encourage each other to do better.:flowerforyou:
  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    Hi there,

    I live in UK too - Wakefield, Yorkshire. I've been on here actively since Jan, and have lost 49 lbs so far and am nearly at target. Would be happy to offer support to you if you need any - feel free to add me as a friend if you want :bigsmile:

    I was a big bread eater, which was my downfall, but now I try to stick to low carb, high protein, as that seems to fill me up and stops me cheating. I emphasis 'low' carb, not 'no'carb as i believe you need to eat an all round healthy diet to succeed.

    Hope to see you around :flowerforyou:

  • Ali65
    Ali65 Posts: 15
    Hello, I am a mom of 3 girls and work from home. Live in California.
    I have finally seen changes!!! Try it...I am a mom of 3 girls, and just busy around them. Until I started to walk after dinner, 3 years ago. I still walk on a daily basis, and sometimes twice a day! It takes time, and you may not notice it when you want to, it takes up to 6 mos. Be patient qith yourself!
    Finally, yesterday someone asked me what was I doing? Just walks and trying this new "calorie counter." I love to eat pretty much anything, but this program has helped with healthy eating habits. But walk, walk, walk, the great benefit to it is a healthy heart!
    Best of luck!
  • icsracer
    icsracer Posts: 29 Member
    I love carbs too. You can have the foods you love as long as they are balanced. I eat pasta, potatoes, and bread and still lose weight. It helps me to feel satisfied with what I am eating, and feels less like dieting. If you follow the simple formula of 40% calories for carbs, 40% from protein and 30% from fat, you can eat more of the foods you like and still loose. You can calculate this by:

    1 gram of carbs = 4 calories
    1 gram of protein = 4 calories
    1 gram of fat = 9 calories

    9 carbs x 4 = 36 calories from carbs

    At the bottom of your food diary page it totals your carbs, protein and fat for you. As long as you are under the Daily goal, you within the 40%, 40%, 30% rule. The Daily goal is based on this ratio.

    I hope this helps. Finding foods that you enjoy eating is a large part of the battle.
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 172 Member
    Wow, I am truly overwhelmed at receiving so many lovely replies so quickly :happy: Thanks for all your kind words and advice.

    Yes, you could be right about the carbs folks - I probably just eat too much of them!

    Daniran - thanks for the friend request! :smile: I've not heard of Sensa, but I'll look into it - anything to make dieting easier!

    Wenders123 - I'm originally from South Yorkshire! (now living in Scotland). I will add you as a friend (if I can work out how :laugh: )

    Going to be signing off for tonight soon, so thanks again everyone. Looks like a very supportive forum :flowerforyou:
  • indygiggy
    indygiggy Posts: 5
    Hello, I am new on here too. I actually joined about 7 months ago but never really took advantage of it, but now i am ready to stick to my guns.
    I feel you on the carb situation, I am also trying to cut back. It is very hard at first, but now i hardly miss pasta and potatoes. My problem is bread, now i only eat whole live grains breads. Have you heard of ezekiel bread? you can find it or something similar to it in health food stores, they have less carbs and calories and are better for you. Also i eat mashed cauliflower as an alternative to potatoes. it takes some getting use to but its good if you cook it in chicken broth (gives it more flavor). Good luck!
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Indygiggy :smile:

    Thanks for your kind welcome.

    No, I'm not familiar with ezekiel bread, but I'll look out for it (I do go into health food shops from time to time!).

    Good luck with your own weight loss journey :smile:
  • bean177
    bean177 Posts: 75
    Hi everyone,

    Well, I've just joined the forum, so I thought I'd say hello! :smile:

    I've been struggling with my weight for over three decades, but I think I'm about as heavy now as I've ever been, and I'm really fed-up about it.

    Haven't had a proper look through the message boards yet, but I'm hoping to pick up some tips on how best to tackle this problem - and I'm hoping that reading other people's success stories will motivate me.

    I live in the UK, and have tried most of the slimming clubs that exist here - they work up to a point, but I always end up giving into temptation at least a couple of times a week :frown: I am thinking of trying a diet that is low in carbs, as I've found this works fairly well in the past - but I really love potatoes, pasta, rice, bread etc! :cry: So I don't know how long I'll be able to stick to it. Really have to do something though.

    Would be interested in hearing from any other middle aged mums who feel (or have felt) this way.

    Best wishes to you all!

    Switch to red potatoes, whole wheat pastas, brown rice, and whole wheat/whole grain bread - had to do this recently when my husband was diagnosed with diabetes - I'm so much better for it!!!!!! (yeah and he's great now too) You can still have your carbs (of course in moderation), but these will be much better for you! Add friends, we will be your best cheerleaders... :smile: :drinker: