
I have seen the before and after pics and they are amazing, but the program looks so intense. I know nothing good comes easy but right now all I am doing is walking many times a day for my calorie burn. On a scale of 1-10 10 being extremely hard......how hard is this excercise program.....appreciate it


  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    easiest way to answer is how is your fitness level - its intense very intense -
  • olag00
    olag00 Posts: 222
    day1-14 eleventy billion!
    Day15-30 8
    Day31-75 6
    Day 76-90 5
  • The part that makes it hard is that it is really long. The trainer tells you, "if you can't do 15 push ups like us, then do what you can do" That's the good part. But you have to make sure that you push yourself and not just watch them. I lost 5 lbs the first few days i did it.

    i had to stop because I don't have 2 hours or more to spend working out EVERY DAY like the program wants you to. My brother lost 8 lbs his first week and a total of 15 by the second. I lost track after that but he had nice toned arms and was really healthy looking. It is definitely a program that you will see results but keep in mind, exercise is not meant to be easy, at least not if you want it to work. Good luck. I encourage anyone to do this program if they have the time. As a full time employee and a full time grad student, I did not have the time but it works.
  • lrraska
    lrraska Posts: 33
    easiest way to answer is how is your fitness level - its intense very intense -

    Thats what I thought, just not sure I can commit to very intense for 90 days....thanks for the info
  • mlandolf
    mlandolf Posts: 4
    I did the power 90, before it had the "X" added. I had just had my second kid, and went from a size 12 to a size 6 within the 90 days. It worked really well, and it was made so that you could ramp it up to the next level when u were ready. I would assume the P90x does the same.
  • Mar1posa
    Mar1posa Posts: 5 Member
    I have this workout, and if you never have done intense cardio, your in for a hard workout. The twelve dvd are awesome, you get a different workout everyday. It even has intense Yoga.
  • Effervescent17
    Effervescent17 Posts: 61 Member
    I found some of the programs to be harder then others. Like push ups, I had a super hard time with those. I thought I was going to die doing the pushups. I had to do modifications on some, like doing pushups from a chair! I was like yeah I'm going to do regular ones till I build my upper body strength. Kenpo X is the BOMB! I freaking love it! It's difficult but you are having so much fun doing it that it's definitely worth the effort.

    I do P90X mixed in with other videos.I don't know doing P90X everyday, because it honestly bores me a little. I like having more routines. I would say give it a go it's a good program.