Restaurant "Low Cal" Menus---BEWARE!

We all eat out occasionally right? And that is ok. Most of the time we probably all try to chose restaurants that offer calorie friendly..or at least calorie concious menus. At least I know I do. And while I am aware that the calories listed might vary some I like to think that the restaurant is making a good effort to keep it within the range listed. Wellll, I'm now not sure how true this is. I had just this morning read an article on a study done at many restaurants about the calorie count of menu items and how it was off...sometimes by a lot. Then I meet my husband for lunch. I had suggested Subway or Bob Evans because I knew both had menu items with calories listed. He chose Bob Evans. I got their "Fit from the farm" Spinach, pasta and chicken which was supposed to be I think 358 calories. It is supposed to be spaghetti, a little chicken, spinach, chopped tomatoes "tossed lightly in olive oil and parmesan cheese". It came to my table (I had ordered this item before and it seemed fine by the way). and it was literally drenched in what looked to me like melted butter (very yellow). The server had already left and it happened the manager came by so my husband stopped him and I said there is something wrong, this is supposed to be "lightly" tossed in olive oil and showed him the "pond" of liquid. He apologized and said he would get me a new one fixed right. He came back in just a bit with a new one that at first looked fine but when I stirred it was the this point I thought forget it I need to eat and get back to work so I took FOUR napkins and soaked the oil off it...the first two were literally drenched. As we were leaving the manager saw me and asked was the second one better. I said no, actually it was just as bad. He said that was strange because he had watched the cook and she had used only a tiny bit of olive oil. I said well it was definitely quite oily. At that point he kidding here "Well, I know she only used a little so it can't be the olive MUST be the butter that we put in the spathetti after it is cooked so it won't stick together." I am pretty sure my mouth dropped open and I said (before I could catch myself) ARE YOU KIDDING ME? It is supposed to be a low calorie item with the ingredients listed and you smother it in butter? (which explains why it was yellow and not like olive oil) So, long story very careful when eating out...even if you are eating off the "healthy" menu.


  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    Yeah my husband and I chose this Thai pizza that was pretty calorie conscious at a local restaurant. The waiter comes by and asks us how it was and we said really good. We get on the topic of the way it is advertized, even in the menu with serving size and calorie count and he says "well, however much you trust it" and that got me thinking. Its true. I doubt they measure exactly how much chicken, sauce and pizza. It is probably all just eye-balled so it could be more, less or right on... just depends at the time its made and no one really knows. Ugh. Another reason to eat at home.
  • knittygirl52
    knittygirl52 Posts: 432 Member
    It's SO true! I have had "right size" and "fit" meals that were obviously crazy fatty or way too large a portion to be the calorie amount advertised.

    That being said, we came back from vacation recently, and I have to applaud those states and cities that now require calorie statements, and/or restaurants that just do it as a matter of course. I know you aren't weighing and measuring each item like I do at home, but thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for attempting to let me know what I'm eating. It is so hard to eat in American restaurants, where giant portions and huge amounts of fat sneak into everything.
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I also agree and appreciate the restaurants that do list calories...just wish the cooks tried a little harder to keep it accurate. I understand and accept that they won't and can't measure and weigh everything like we do at home at least we can have an "approximate"but come on...drenching it in butter is crazy!
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    they also might do the 'per serving' trick , so your meal could be two servings and you wouldnt even know!