New and feeling like I'm alone in all this



  • abbullar
    abbullar Posts: 61
    I'm 19 too! And I'm going through the same things. It's really difficult with me and my boyfriend. He is big too and he isn't really trying very hard to lose weight. I would like to meet people on here who I can lend motivation too, since I'm not getting or giving much in real life.
  • RosiePie25
    RosiePie25 Posts: 26
    You're not alone!!! :) Even if you feel that way..think of everyone all over the world in the same situation. It's hard..I live alone and my gym buddy has been backing out a lot lately so I've been trying to go to the gym by myself...even though it can be hard to do and it's harder to stay motivated when you don't have anyone. Which is why this site is good! Good luck!
  • maryzcontrary
    Just add all of us and you will have a magnificent support group! There are the message boards, as you have discovered, and a whole wide world of people doing just what you are doing! and that is the best support! I am new too, but very happy I have found this site -- the idea of calorie counting and exercising never occured to me - I was always looking for a quick fix, this feels so much better - AND I can actually eat MORE since I have been counting - good luck toyou
  • garrettnicole92
    I'm 19, and in a house that is DEFINITELY not concerned with being healthy or losing weight. I'll be moving back to school in the fall and will be completely on my own there (living with a not-supportive room mate, yay). Feel free to add me on here and strike up a conversation, I can always use some motivation, and I love giving it too!
  • xXxKayleighxXx
    There's no need to feel lonely or alone.

    It can be difficult being the only one in your house, trust me, i know, lol.

    All you need to do is add a couple of people on here that you like the sound of or who you think are in a similar situation to you. Most people will accept your request, though one or two prefer to go it alone. A lot of people also like a little message to go with the request.

    You'll have plenty of support in no time.

    The forums and the search bar are your friends too. Any questions, just ask, you'll always get plenty of replies xx
  • soguesswhat
    soguesswhat Posts: 18 Member
    You've obviously seen already that you are not alone. I'm not 19, but finding people to share support is so helpful! I'm new to this too - today is day 7 for me, but if you want to add me as a friend I'll do what I can to encourage you along your journey. I have a long way to go, so it's great to know others are with you.