Hey GUYS! Where do you get your motivation to lose weight?



  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    The mirror
  • x0ambivalence0x
    I make being healthy my ultimate goal- not reaching a certain number on the scale. What is fabulous about that is that every time I make a healthy decision I have achieved my goal. If enough of them are strung together the weight loss happens naturally. Knowing that I am taking care of myself so that I am there for my daughter (now 4 months old) to grow up and have children of their own is a powerful thought. Of course I have times that I make unhealthy decisions- but if you break it down like that you can keep it from snowballing. The worst food-related behavior I have struggled with is bingeing. I used to eat a lot late at night. When I started my hourney June 1st I made a rule not to eat after dinner. This gave me time to digest my food completely and even burn off the calories in a post-dinner walk! When I made exceptions to my rule I had a few bad nights. That resulted in a not-so-great weigh in. Now I have gone back to my rule and have been doing well since. You have to be realistic about your goals. If you deprive yourself you will get bored and that's bad for weight loss. I like to find healthier versions of the foods I love (check out hungrygirl.com for recipes!). If you have a bad meal, a bad day, a bad week or even month- that doesn't have to be the end. Think of your actions singly and know that your journey will be lifelong, so don't sweat the misstakes- it took years to perfect our unhealthy habits. It will take months or years to instill new healthy ones :D Good luck!
  • marquesajen
    marquesajen Posts: 641
    A combination of things. I have an online inspiration board of exercises, healthy people, motivational quotes, etc. I think of all the strong characters I admire and want to be like. I look in the mirror and stop holding it in. I go through the tub of clothes that no longer fit. I look at all of the health problems people I know have because of weight and diet. I think about when I have kids, how will I tell them to be healthy if I'm not? In short, I surround myself with reminders of why I am doing this. What inspires you?
  • ShellyLee
    ShellyLee Posts: 293 Member
    Those size 8 Lucky brand jeans hanging in my closet that used to fit perfectly that I can't even get over my thighs... let alone around my waist lol.
  • tushiness
    tushiness Posts: 29
    I just think about how hard I've worked and how AMAZING it will be to finally reach my goal. I also use upcoming events to push me to be healthy and exercise until that date!
  • 1_up
    1_up Posts: 1,414 Member
    I'd like to know the answer to that as well. 1 6-pack of motivation please!
  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    my motivation would have to be old pictures and songs from years ago when I was smaller.My screen saver on my i pod that I use alot when I'm walking is Nicole Scherzinger! Her abs are amazing, I may not make it to that level of rock hard but I'm gonna get it down in the arena..also, everytime I see express having jeans and shorts half off!! I want to fit their pants with a burning passion!!!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    The more I lose the more I like the way I look. Every day I think of how fat I let myself get and how unhappy I was about it. I don't want to go back!
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I started from 300pounds, and while I wished I didn't get that big, I know I could have been a lot bigger, just thankful I finally put a stop to the foolishness. I have always been overweight so trying to loose the pounds came with many failed attempts. My motivation originally stemmed from thinking if I give up, then I'll just be wishing I hadn't in the next few months when I'm still at the same weight. my current motivation stems from God. after getting saved, I realized that God requires his best from me, and not taking care of the body he gave me wasn't an option. I thank God for being able to exercise EVERY time I do it. I stopped taking the activity of my limbs for granted, and thanking him because I know many people are not able.
  • MissyFit08
    MissyFit08 Posts: 274 Member
    I look in the mirror a 360 degree one does better but a regular mirror works

    I don't need one of those. My regular mirror does just fine.

    hahahaha!!! :laugh:
  • stylelush646
    stylelush646 Posts: 44 Member
    I think for anyone no matter if you have to lose 5lbs or 100lbs, its hard to stay motivated. Sure, we have countless reasons as to why we want to lose the pounds but theres always a defining moment where you really stick to it. I've tried countless times and this time around I'm actually doing it! I think whatever I thought of that day, its somehow in my brain (in my subconcious) so whenever I pick up a fattening treat or whatnot my brain is telling me NO! I never had that, of course dedication has a lot do with it and sticking to a goal. Just like you study for a test you have to study for your body just to get all the answers right. you might get stuck a few times and you may get it wrong but you keep at it to try to solve the problem. Hope this serves u well. God bless and just tell yoour self everyday, today i am going to make better choices and care for my body. :)
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    looking at wedding dresses does it for me EVERYTIME.

    Also - I think about how bad I felt everytime I gained weight and saw my friends or family members... now that I lose weight every time I see them I feel fabulous. I never want that bad feeling again. I'm finally learning to love my body and my self and that is enough for me.

    Of course, there are days I have no motivation (mostly Saturdays and Sundays haha) and if I decide not to work and eat badly.. well so be it. Monday is always a new day.
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    I just think about how many times I've failed and how bad I really want it this time. Plus, keeping "fat" pictures of myself around helps. I also put on my computer screen "A Year From Now, You Will Wish You Had Started Today" - It really helps because I got off track back in February and I realized that if I kept going, I would be 10 lbs from my goal weight right now. Instead, I'm 46. It's all mental. you just have to want to lose weight bad enough that all those "temptations" aren't anywhere near tempting anymore. Remember that by sticking with your food plan, you aren't losing out on certain foods (like ordering a salad instead of a burger), you're gaining weight loss and willpower. It all comes in time.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I read motivation quotes I have and I also look at old pictures of me. Not ones when I was skinny, but the one I saw on facebook when I realized I was 253 lbs and looked like CRAP! That reminds me where I was and keeps me motivated to stay on track to not go back there.
  • tevez032
    tevez032 Posts: 47 Member
    I had an epiphany (of the non-religious kind) when my youngest son was rushed back into hospital with complications after an operation. Since sitting in A&E for 7 hours that night i've given up booze, am getting fit and I'm an alround better person. You only get one life. Make the most of it!
  • bearsfan2334
    bearsfan2334 Posts: 137
    I keep coming to these message boards when I get discouraged. I really like reading about other people and what they are doing in their struggle to continue to lose weight. I think my favorite part are the Before and After pictures - they keep me going!!
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    I remember that I want to wear my grandmother's dress when I get married.
    I remember that my fiance would LOVE it
    I look at pictures of myself from high school (I was damn thin back then and did not even have to try)
    I tell everyone so that they can hold me accountable
    I remember that this is not optional.
  • LondonLad
    LondonLad Posts: 31
    I have a one year planner on my bathroom wall with my weekly, monthly and 3 month goals marked on it. My goals are obviously weight reduction but also waist reduction as well.

    I check my weight every morning and mark the planner accordingly.

    Childish I know but if I make a goal I mark that day with a gold star.

    The planner is 3 feet high and 4 feet wide.

    Anyone using the bathroom can see it and I dont want to fail myself or my family.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    I walk into the bathroom in the morning and look in the mirror (sleep in the buff) and it always motivates me for the day.

    Also... I have my before and after pictures as my computer desktop (before = fit & healthy, after = highest weight).
  • cobaltis
    cobaltis Posts: 191 Member
    I found that the begining was the hardest to break my old routines and food cravings. Your body will adjust and stop craving high calorie foods as much when deprived of them for time. I used to tell my self that giving in once would undo everything. I was tough on myself due to my motivation that led me to lose weight... Anyway I now just plan out my protein for the day basically then eat whatever else I want if it fits into my calories.

    To maintain my motivation I try to check out bodybuilding.com daily and suround myself with inspirational friends on there. Looking at the physiques of where I want to be helps me a lot.