S.B.F. Challenge. . .Nov. 4

Are you all jogging or biking to the polls?

Today I'm going to try to cram in a "shred" between my paper presentation, my union meeting and my election-night party. (Yep, we're having them in Canada, too. :wink: )

Also: waters and vits (extra water to counteract the other liquids I may take in this evening)

Take care of yourselves, and please go vote if you haven't already. It's important, no matter who you're voting for. :flowerforyou:


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Are you all jogging or biking to the polls?

    Today I'm going to try to cram in a "shred" between my paper presentation, my union meeting and my election-night party. (Yep, we're having them in Canada, too. :wink: )

    Also: waters and vits (extra water to counteract the other liquids I may take in this evening)

    Take care of yourselves, and please go vote if you haven't already. It's important, no matter who you're voting for. :flowerforyou:
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    I voted absentee ballot 4 weeks ago (I live in Ottawa)! I'm glad we're finally going to have an outcome.

    I am so happy to say that my soreness from 3 straight shredding sessions has subsided tremendously. Which is good because I plan to go to pilates at lunch time. And I'll do day 4 of shredding tonight!

    I'm going to drink all my water today (I actually like water, but 64 oz. is still a LOT) and eat all my yummy carrot sticks at lunch :ohwell:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I'll admit it, I drove to the polls so I could go straight to work after. :embarassed: But at least I did my part!

    Last night, I went to aerobics and had a really weak push-up test. I don't know if it's because I was tired, or full, or maybe because I was going down lower than I had been, but I only did 42 before stopping. I probably could have done a few more, but c'mon! I did 55 the other day at the END of my session! :huh: So I am going back to week 5 level 2, and am going to focus on going down lower and maybe slowing down. Then when I do my next test I will go back to going as fast as possible. :tongue:

    Today is more project work, a walk, and whatever exercise I decide I need to de-stress while watching election results. Good luck on your presentation, V!
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Yep! I will be walking up to the polls:bigsmile:

    Today is another day of cardio, all my water (I shoot for 128oz each day), eating well, and trying to add a couple more snacks in since Ive been logging in way under my recommended calories for most days. Got some fiber one bars last night, so I think I will try one of those today (being totally aware of AWTY's warning about the extra fiber!:wink: ). Plus I already did my pushups test this morning, VERY humbling:grumble: but Im still in!:drinker:

    Make it a great day everyone!!:flowerforyou:

  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Happy election day all!!! :drinker:

    Yesterday was a great first day for me. I actually had 80 cals left, and wasn't hungry! :noway: I had a nice 3-mile run, very rejuvinating for some reason.

    Monica, please be careful! I hope you have an amazing experience, but I'm with Mary on this one; watch out for the crazy people :wink:

    gmu- hi! If you are having a hard time drinking all your water, try a waterbottle (with a spout rather than a lid) or straws. For some reason we don't register how much fluid we consume that way and I find it easier to get my waters in.

    viv-prayers for your presentation! :flowerforyou:

    Busting out my two 30-min dvds tonight that got me motivated last year. I haven't done them in a long while, so looking forward to the burn!

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    I do not know what this day holds as little one is still sick. He just wanted me to hold him after he got up. He did make a decision to watch Thomas the Train and he was feeding himself! That's progress!
    Glad to see you all voting! We voted last week, and I was glad to do my part!
    I am going to try to Shred or do Taebo today. I haven't decided which one. I also have cleaning to do. And I need to drink my water, which has been hard for me the last few days.
    CP, don't feel bad about the test. That happened to me about the same place you are. Remember when I dropped back to week 5? I was able to do more the next week. It was kind of like a rest in a way.
    I have a lot of work to do so I'd better get started while my son is watching a video. Have a good day everyone!
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Roni, I believe you posted about hating breakfast? I am there with you. I started using the generic slim-fast shakes last spring but have switched to Carnation instant breakfast. They are about 220 cals, but are well balanced, mod protein, and taste pretty good.

    Just thought I'd share. I mix it in a travel mug so I can drink it on my way to work. No excuses! Breakfast really does fuel the metabolism (and I generally feel better and less comatose in the am :tongue: )

    Good luck!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    First off, JulieB21 sent me a message and wanted me to tell all you guys she still thinks about you. She's still around but is going through a tough time right now. You can check out her profile at http://www.myfitnesspal.com/julieb21
    she's quite a success story.

    I voted the second day of early voting (thank goodness we have that here) and I'm going to a results party tonight. Not looking forward to that. I really don't like the way the news broadcasts make you feel on edge. I think that is really what I dislike about television - it makes you anxious and worried, for no reason. Anyway, the people hosting the party bought a Wii Fit, so I'm hoping to get them to let me try it. Let's see how good of a yoga person I am! Not too worried - I saw a video of the band Rush doing Tom Sawyer on Rock Band (Steven Colbert show), and they failed. Pretty funny.

    gmukris - Ottawa is one of my all time favorite cities. I'm jealous!

    Oh, and exercise - let's see, yesterday - slow walk, bike ride, and yoga. Today, don't know yet. Still feel a cold coming on, so it may just be a slow walk.
  • gmukris
    gmukris Posts: 539
    gmukris - Ottawa is one of my all time favorite cities. I'm jealous!

    Are you even jealous of our Loooooooooonng winters? I hate them :) We've got 1 to 2 more years left here and then we're moving back to Virginia! (I hope)! DH is in the foreign service and we've lived in London, UK and Ottawa. I am spoiled, but I miss home.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member

    Are you even jealous of our Loooooooooonng winters? I hate them :) We've got 1 to 2 more years left here and then we're moving back to Virginia! (I hope)! DH is in the foreign service and we've lived in London, UK and Ottawa. I am spoiled, but I miss home.

    No, only of the summers. We are experiencing a month of highs around 80 and lows around 60. Texas is really only nice from October to April.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,696 Member
    Uh, changed my mind about Shredding. The siding guys are right outside the living room windows and even though I would have the blinds closed, it would just be weird. :noway:
    My back is sore today anyway.
    I am going to paint for a while on Alex's bed so that will burn some calories. A few.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I voted the second day of early voting (thank goodness we have that here) and I'm going to a results party tonight. Not looking forward to that. I really don't like the way the news broadcasts make you feel on edge. I think that is really what I dislike about television - it makes you anxious and worried, for no reason. Anyway, the people hosting the party bought a Wii Fit, so I'm hoping to get them to let me try it. Let's see how good of a yoga person I am! Not too worried - I saw a video of the band Rush doing Tom Sawyer on Rock Band (Steven Colbert show), and they failed. Pretty funny.
    I :heart: Rock Band - it was my birthday present this year. My husband and I play together - it's a blast. Never tried the Wii Fit, though - have fun!

    I know what you mean about the TV newscasts - that's why I figure I'll probably hop up a few times for crunches, pushups, or jumping jacks if they start stressing me out!

    BTW, MM, I forgot to tell you yesterday - your new profile pic is awesome! I may have take another 'flex' shot soon. :laugh: