Hi Everyone...

Ebharuadh Posts: 5
edited September 30 in Introduce Yourself
I just signed up today and am finishing up the registration. 2 years ago I broke my left leg and ankle really badly. 3 surgeries, months on crutches & another 2 months of phys therapy took its toll. I was determined as soon as I could walk again to get the weight off, get back in shape & get my fat/muscle ration back under control. The week after I was discharged from physical therapy I joined a local Martial Arts Academy & began taking Jun Fan Kickboxing. A year & a half later while my physical weight has only dropped 40 pounds I have gone from a size 14 to a 6 & my Body Fat % has gone from over 28% to just under 22%. I feel great and want to keep the momentum going.....my final goal is 16% Body Fat. Looking forward to interacting with everyone here & providing support and motivation as well.
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