Rarely hungry. What is hunger? Stupid questions inside.

Hey guys, I know this is going to sound so stupid and make me sound like a moron but I just want it outlined to me since I think I have some confusion over it.

So alright riddle me this. I always hear about people being hungry on here. I'm trying to ex out on that whole mentally hungry but not physically hungry thing (aka munching/cravings) and try to go off of what my body needs. I'll crave treats to the point where my mouth will water but after passing the candy isle, cakes and cookies it subsides completely when I leave. It seems I'm never actually physically hungry enough to actually want food but if its there then I'll eat whatever. My stomach will tighten but its never a pain, instead I wait for my throat to tighten or I guess (don't know how to describe this) prickle and then I feel like I actually am hungry. But this is very rare. Not wanting to starve myself eventually led me to grazing and munching as a habit leading me to gain around 40lbs (where I am at today).

Actually once back in high school when I was young and stupid I tried to see how long I would hold out before I actually became throat hungry because I wanted to get rid of munching and go off of what my body needs. Of course I gave in occasionally to my cravings because I'm bad like that about sweets or when people would make me eat and a couple months later after maybe a small meal a day I found myself 30lbs down, one of the heaviest weight lifting girls during weight training class for my entire school and a very active member my rugby team. The reason my fast (I don't know if you can even call it that) ended was because eventually I just was worried about my health since people, you know, EAT and became annoyed with not eating seeing as I associate food with fun and pleasure. My body never seems to actually feel the prickling hunger and rarely the tightening. When I do feel it and I want to eat then I'm more than willing to eat because I do not want to go into some kind of starvation mode not to mention... I LOVE food. P=

Normally when I'm not dieting I eat around 1600-1800 calories with 1800 being that I stuffed myself for the day and fell into a food comatose unless I polished of a ton of sweets for every meal. In attempting to lose weight my doctor advised dropping my intake down to 1200 but doing so feels no different than 1600 or 1400 (both of which I have tried) except today I have finally felt the tightening of my stomach which I haven't felt in so long but not the actual prickle which I normally associate with hunger. Also when I'm trying not to munch I find myself turning my nose up at most foods in general so then I end up not wanting to eat. Once again I'm trying to ex out my munching and cut down on eating unnecessarily so this is why I'm risking sounding like a moron and asking because the same thing is happening again.

So I want to know what is hunger? Is it the tightening of the stomach or the prickle in your throat? Should I still eat if mentally I am not interested in eating even though my body is giving one of the signals or if I know that I should? Are there other people out there who experience this?


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I've been waiting to eat until I'm hungry. Waiting for the tummy growl... If I haven't been drinking enough water, I make sure I chug some water and if I'm still hungry after awhile, I'll eat.
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    yea drink water, and if the pain's still there or whatever... then eat.
  • ACowboyKid
    ACowboyKid Posts: 142
    But I'm saying I never feel the hunger pain to the point where if I don't make myself eat then I wont eat for that day. And if making myself eat is the answer or if I should just not eat.
  • AnathemaRose
    This a hard one. Just know: You're not alone.

    I almost never feel hungry. For years I was living on around 500 or so calories a day because I just wasn't hungry. This year, I started the expiraments because I wanted to lose weight but in my mind, I had failed too many times. My meals dropped to 100-200 calories. To say the least: It's no wonder where I am because I went to extremes and waited for the tingle in my throat or the feeling of black before my eyes before I would finally give in to eating.

    Now, I will get to the point:

    If you do not feel hungry, think about how much you have eaten during the day. If you're not hitting your calorie limit, try to get close. Sometimes temptations really are your body's way of saying "HEY. Feed me?"

    Just try to keep little snacks around that are healthy and that you can go to when you realize you haven't eaten. Sure, it'll require a whole new set of thinking, but trust me, it will help you figure out if you should eat or not.

    You're not alone fellow non-hunger-er.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    some people just dont. I guess youre lucky in some ways, and not so lucky in others because it would be hard to do the "listening to your body" thing.

    My other half says he rarely feels hungry. He can go all day without eating and it doesnt bother him. If hes feeling a bit off colour he wont eat at all.

    I feel hunger a lot though, if i dont eat every few hours i start to feel light headed and nauseous, my tummy starts hurting and feeling empty and i just cant stop thinking about eating something